Found 4 projects
Poster Presentation 1
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
- Presenter
- Anoushka Manik, Senior, Public Hlth-Global Hlth (Global Health) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Elinore Theobald, Biology
Poster Session 1
- Presenters
- Madhumita Rajesh, Junior, Bioengineering: Data Science
- Ineeya Senthil Nathan Kayal, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Mentors
- Elinore Theobald, Biology
- Sumitra Tatapudy, Biology, University of Washington Seattle
Poster Session 1
Poster Presentation 4
3:45 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Lubna Mostafa (Lubna) Hassanain, Senior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth, Biochemistry
- Mentor
- Elinore Theobald, Biology
Poster Session 4
- Presenters
- Galina V Kim, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Emma Kajiwara, Junior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Madeline Beltran, Sophomore, Pre-Major (Arts & Sciences)
- Keira Taylor, Senior, Public Health-Global Health
- Sophia Sayson, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Aleia Hofschneider (Aleia) Santos, Junior, Pre Public Health
- Benjamin (Ben) Ackmann, Junior, Biochemistry
- Mentor
- Elinore Theobald, Biology
Poster Session 4