Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, in-person mental health services became, in many cases, prohibited, increasing the need for telehealth. The present study will investigate clinicians’ perceptions of the effectiveness of delivering cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) via telehealth. Telehealth, in this context, refers to remotely delivering psychotherapy via a variety of platforms such as on-line services, video, and/or phone calls. Previous studies found that delivering CBT via telehealth can be as effective as in-person delivery. However, there are barriers to implementing psychotherapy remotely, including lack of training support, organizational and clinician buy-in, and cost. Thus, we aimed to investigate whether clinicians found delivering CBT via telehealth effective, whether it had an impact on engagement and therapeutic relationships, and how well elements of CBT training were provided during telehealth delivery. Data came from a project leveraging a Washington State CBT+ Initiative. Clinicians and supervisors from agencies in WA state participated and got training in CBT for youth depression, anxiety, trauma, and behavioral problems. Clinicians completed pre-and post-training surveys with questions pertaining to how telehealth preparation time compared to in-person sessions, clinicians’ opinions on continued telehealth implementation, clinicians’ ability to deliver effective services via telehealth, and client and caregiver engagement levels over telehealth. We plan to run descriptive analyses to summarize clinicians’ perceptions of telehealth. Preliminary analyses suggest that most clinicians found telehealth to be beneficial and an effective way to deliver CBT to youth. Further, our analyses reveal that clinicians, on average, found engaging younger children in treatment as the most significant barrier associated with telehealth. Harnessing telehealth for the provision of CBTs may be a viable solution that addresses some barriers to access. If telehealth is found effective by clinicians, it could serve as a long-term option for delivering CBTs. Therefore, it is important to understand clinicians’ perspectives.