During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the Cordilleran Ice Sheet advanced into the northwestern United States and dammed the Clark Fork river in western Montana, forming Glacial Lake Missoula. The ice dam in the valley repeatedly broke, sending at least 100 massive outburst floods known as the Missoula Floods into eastern Washington where they incised deep canyons forming the Channeled Scabland. During the period of flooding, the Okanogan Lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet crossed the Columbia Gorge onto the Waterville Plateau, diverting floodwaters away from the Columbia River into Grand Coulee, before blocking Grand Coulee itself. My research project examines the timing of glaciation of the Waterville Plateau and how it influenced the paths of the successive floods. To determine the timing of glaciation, my advisers and I studied glacially transported boulders that began to accumulate the cosmic ray produced isotope beryllium-10 (10Be) after they were exposed by ice sheet retreat. In the lab, we separated and dissolved quartz from our samples, purified beryllium, and then measured 10Be/9Be ratios using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). From AMS measurements, we calculated the exposure ages of our samples. We expect the ages to fit within the established sequence of ice advance across the Columbia River, redirection of floodwaters down Grand Coulee, and eventual ice retreat to north of the Columbia River. Following this sequence, we expect our samples from the northern edge of the Waterville Plateau to be younger than the last floods down Grand Coulee (15,300 years) but older than samples from the Omak Plateau north of the Columbia Gorge (13,900 years). Along with dates from previous studies, the new exposure dates from this project explain how the Okanogan Lobe guided Missoula floodwaters and influenced landscape evolution in eastern Washington.