Found 3 projects
Oral Presentation 1
12:30 PM to 2:15 PM
- Presenter
- Lais Lastre Conceicao, Senior, Biochemistry, Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Horacio de la Iglesia, Biology
- Ivana Bussi, Biology
Session 1T: Brain Function, Dysfunction and Repair
- Other Biology mentored projects (69)
- Other students mentored by Horacio de la Iglesia (2)
- Other students mentored by Ivana Bussi (2)
- Presenter
- Luis Eduardo Salazar, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Levinson Emerging Scholar, Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Horacio de la Iglesia, Biology
- Ivana Bussi, Biology
Session 1T: Brain Function, Dysfunction and Repair
- Other Biology mentored projects (69)
- Other students mentored by Horacio de la Iglesia (2)
- Other students mentored by Ivana Bussi (2)
Poster Presentation 3
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
- Presenter
- Angeline Dovinh, Junior, Pre-Nursing
- Mentors
- Horacio de la Iglesia, Biology
- Ivana Bussi, Biology
Poster Session 3
- Other Biology mentored projects (69)
- Other students mentored by Horacio de la Iglesia (2)
- Other students mentored by Ivana Bussi (2)