In order for multipotent stem cells to properly differentiate into specialized cells, specific genes must be expressed at a specific time and amount during development. Many of the factors that regulate expression have been identified; however, it remains unclear how they work together to control the timing and amplitude of gene expression. Non-coding DNA elements, known as enhancers, can increase the the likelihood of transcription of a gene by integrating signals in the cell to provide regulatory logic for gene regulation. To understand how enhancers tune gene expression timing and amplitude during development, our lab has generated a transgenic mouse in which each of the two copies of the T-cell identity gene, Bcl11b, have been tagged with distinguishable fluorescent reporters, providing a sensitive readout for gene activity at the single locus level. Bcl11b turns on during T-cell development, and its activation executes a developmental switch from a hematopoietic stem cell to a T-cell committed progenitor. There is a non-coding region far downstream of Bcl11b which harbors a cluster of putative enhancers. To interrogate the function of individual candidate enhancers, we use CRISPR/Cas9 targeting to generate specific genomic deletions in T cell progenitors. From our preliminary experiments, we have shown that cutting off the entire enhancer region completely inhibits the expression of Bcl11b entirely compared to when we cut out only an individual enhancer peak which only partially inhibits it. This is promising because it shows that we have found an enhancer that controls the probability of activation while not being necessary for the activation of Bcl11b. This work will reveal the cis-regulatory logic that underlies the control of a master lineage-specifying gene. This better understanding will help us identify new strategies to control the expression of master regulatory genes for cellular reprogramming.