Found 22 projects
Poster Presentation 1
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Presenter
- Danilo Dubocanin, Junior, Microbiology, Biochemistry UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Parthiv Haldipur, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Alair Holden, Senior, Public Health-Global Health, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth
- Mentor
- Pratik Parikh, Pediatrics
Poster Session 1
Oral Presentation 1
12:30 PM to 2:15 PM
- Presenter
- Joey Smith, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Dan Doherty, Pediatrics
- Julie Van De Weghe, Pediatrics
Session 1I: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Medical Research
- Presenter
- Dianne Laboy, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Howard Hughes Scholar, Levinson Emerging Scholar, McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Heather Mefford, Pediatrics
- Alison Muir, Pediatrics
Session 1P: McNair Session - Science and Technology from Cells to Outer Space
- Other Pediatrics mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Heather Mefford (5)
- Other students mentored by Alison Muir (4)
- Presenter
- Rachel Juanita Hurst, Junior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth
- Mentor
- Tumaini Coker, Pediatrics
Session 1R: Population Health
Poster Presentation 2
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Karlee Samantha Orvik, Senior, Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Richard James, Pediatrics
- Nathan Camp, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Grace Wang, Junior, Biochemistry UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Arti Desai, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Hospital
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Intisar (Mary) Mkheseer, Junior, Biochemistry, Neurobiology UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- John Welsh, Pediatrics
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Jon Schaeffer, Senior, Law, Societies, & Justice, Political Science UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- John Wilkerson, Pediatrics, Political Science
- Anthony Gill, Political Science
Poster Session 2
Poster Presentation 3
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
- Presenters
- Sarah Marie (Sarah) Hicks, Senior, Public Health-Global Health UW Honors Program
- Cara Denise Lind, Recent Graduate, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentor
- Faisal Malik, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Kelsey Luu, Junior, Bioengineering
- Mentor
- Tim Cherry, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Malika Sud, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Heather Mefford, Pediatrics
- Alison Muir, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Other Pediatrics mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Heather Mefford (5)
- Other students mentored by Alison Muir (4)
- Presenter
- Brian Kumar Strobel, Junior, Computer Science, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Heather Mefford, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Aman Buttar, Junior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentors
- Heather Mefford, Pediatrics
- Alison Muir, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Other Pediatrics mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Heather Mefford (5)
- Other students mentored by Alison Muir (4)
- Presenter
- Savanna Carmack, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentor
- Jim Olson, Pediatrics, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Poster Session 3
- Presenters
- Talitha Anderson, Junior, Public Health-Global Health
- Sachi Bansal, Junior, Pre-Sciences
- Henry John Hilt, Senior, Public Health-Global Health UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Emily Kroshus, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Natalie J. Weed, Senior, Economics, Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Heather Mefford, Pediatrics
- Alison Muir, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Other Pediatrics mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Heather Mefford (5)
- Other students mentored by Alison Muir (4)
- Presenter
- Apoorva Chowdhary, Junior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Heather Mefford, Pediatrics
- Alison Muir, Pediatrics
Poster Session 3
- Other Pediatrics mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Heather Mefford (5)
- Other students mentored by Alison Muir (4)
Poster Presentation 4
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- Presenter
- Yong-Han Hank (Hank) Cheng, Senior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Dan Doherty, Pediatrics
- Megan Grout, Pediatrics
- Caitlin Miller, Pediatrics
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Makayla Nez, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentors
- Joyce Yi-Frazier, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Grace Kim, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Allison Laroche, Pediatrics
Poster Session 4
- Presenters
- Ching-Yun (Jocelyn) Ma, Senior, Biochemistry
- Marisa Alysia Yonemitsu, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Kai Yu, Pediatrics
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Joshua Bryce (Josh) Scheck, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental), Political Science Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Mersine Bryan, Pediatrics
Poster Session 4