The catalytic activity of many metals can be increased when the catalyst exists as tiny nanoclusters as opposed to large bulk-like metal particles. Thus materials, or supports, that facilitate the growth of nanoparticle catalysts are highly desired. Of these supports, the most widely used are metal-oxides. The growth of catalysts on these supports can be better understood by studying the chemical bonding at the metal-oxide interface. The Mallouk group has found a calcium niobate nanosheet, HCa2Nb3O10, that when used as a support both resists and reverses the coalescence of metal-oxide or hydroxide nanoparticles on the surface. These nanosheets are of additional interest because they are smooth on the atomic scale, similar to single crystal surfaces, with a large ratio of terrace sites to edge sites. Here, calorimetric measurements of the adsorption energies of silver and copper vapor on oxide thin films composed of four layers of these nanosheets are directly measured using adsorption calorimetry in ultrahigh vacuum. The initial heat of adsorption of silver atoms was found to be ~112 kJ/mol which closely resembles the predicted density functional theory (DFT) values for silver monomers. The growth mode of silver was determined using a surface sensitive spectroscopy technique, low-energy He+ ion scattering spectroscopy (LEIS). The number density of silver particles, as estimated from the LEIS data, was found to be ~2.2x1010 particles/cm2 at 1.7 monolayer silver coverage. This is much lower than the particle densities on other metal-oxide supports and is attributed to the lower density of step/nanosheet edges on this support. The evolution of the LEIS signal indicates that silver grew as 3D nanoparticles. This data encourages further investigations of the adsorption calorimetry of different metals on this interesting support.