Alzheimer's disease affects millions of individuals worldwide, yet there is an astounding lack of marketed treatments that can effectively slow the neurodegeneration associated with the disease. In the past few decades, evidence has emerged that small, soluble aggregates of beta-amyloid (Aβ) peptide known as oligomers are primarily responsible for toxicity in the brain, which has sparked research to develop inhibitors targeting the toxic oligomers. However, the actual structure of Aβ oligomers remains unknown, in large part because traditional methods used to determine protein structure are ineffective due to the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of these oligomers. This in turn has greatly hindered therapeutic development. Interestingly, a designed α-sheet peptide known as AP3 displays striking behavioral similarities to Aβ under low pH, making it an ideal model for understanding amyloid protein behavior. In addition, AP3 aggregation and toxicity are potentily inhibited by other amyloid species. The interactions between this synthetic amyloid and naturally-occurring amyloid species, including Aβ, are being explored both experimentally and via computer simulation, and the data are being used to design a de novo peptide inhibitor. This inhibitor is being tested for its ability to inhibit amyloid aggregation and toxicity, as well as whether it can specifically bind to heterogeneous populations of Aβ even at low concentration. The successful completion of this project wil result in significant progress towards understanding amyloid behavior and aggregation. This may eventually lead to novel applications of the α-sheet structure in treatments and diagnostic assays for Alzheimer's.