Stem-cell derived engineered cardiac tissues are a promising avenue for the research of heart disease, enabling disease-specific modelling and drug screening. However, their validity as a model hinges on the similarity to native cardiac tissue, both in super- and sub-cellular structure and organization. When cultured on nanopattern substrates, myocytes orient the sarcomeres along a similar axis, allowing for greater force production and higher similarity to native cardiac tissue, though the evidence of the finer details are obscured by the diffraction limit of light. Super-resolution microscopy has opened the door to the analysis of diffraction-limited biological structures, and one such recently developed super-resolution technique, Expansion Microscopy (ExM), has made this analysis more accessible. By embedding the fluorophores from an immunostained sample into an expandable hydrogel, sub-diffraction details are physically enlarged and made measurable on standard fluorescence microscopy equipment. In this work, expansion microscopy was performed on engineered cardiac tissue to evaluate the effect of the nanopattern substrate on sub-sarcomeric structure and organization. As expected, it was found that the sarcomeres were more aligned within the cardiomyocytes, and the length between the z-lines were increased when cells were cultured on the nanopattern substrate as compared to the flat substrate. In addition, the width of the Z-disks were significantly different in nanopattern cultured cardiomyocytes as compared to myocytes cultured on flat substrate. The transverse tubules, responsible for a unified action potential, were larger in diameter and better localized with the Z-line, and the myosin heads were closely localized with the actin filament. When examined with super-resolution microscopy, the engineered cardiac tissues display sub-sarcomeric organization that allows for greater and more efficient force production, further demonstrating the efficacy of nanopattern substrates in cardiac cell differentiation and maturation. Though ExM needs further validation, it has proved a powerful sample-side tool for probing diffraction limited features.