Found 86 projects
Poster Presentation 1
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Presenter
- Elena Christopher-Allison, Junior, Chemistry, Mathematics, Portland State University McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Andrea Goforth, Chemistry, Portland State University
- Hayden Winter, Chemistry, Portland State University
Poster Session 1
- Other Chemistry major students (22)
- Other Mathematics major students (19)
- Other Chemistry mentored projects (32)
- Presenter
- Aleezah Ali, Sophomore, Physics: Comprehensive Physics, Astronomy
- Mentors
- Diana Windemuth, Astronomy
- Eric Agol, Astronomy
- Meredith Rawls, Astronomy
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Alexis Marie Fleming, Junior, Bioengineering UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Joshua Buser, Bioengineering
- Caitlin Anderson, Bioengineering
- Paul Yager, Bioengineering
Poster Session 1
- Other Bioengineering mentored projects (42)
- Other students mentored by Joshua Buser (1)
- Other students mentored by Paul Yager (3)
- Presenter
- Davida Tarpley Johnson, Senior, Global E-Learning, Texas A&M Univ Commerce McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- DeMarquis Hayes, Psychology, Texas A&M University Commerce
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- James Kenlee (James) Wenlock, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Mentor
- Joseph Anderson, Digital Arts & Experimental Media
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Sarah Yu, Senior, International Studies, Computer Science, Economics Mary Gates Scholar, McNair Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Richard Anderson, Computer Science & Engineering
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Jennifer Noar, Senior, Nursing UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Debra Gordon, Anesthesiology
- JoAnne Whitney, Nursing
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Homer Aalfs, Senior, Psychology UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Katy Fladeboe, Psychology
- Lynn Fainsilber Katz, Psychology
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Lauren Marie (Lauren) Halle, Senior, Sociology UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Heather D. Evans, Disability Studies, Sociology
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Angelica Houston, Junior, Biomedical Technology, Cleveland State University McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Debbie Espy, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Cleveland State University
- Daniel Winkler, Education, Cleveland State University
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Heather Borror, Senior, Biochemistry, Applied Music (String Instruments) UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Richard Gardner, Pharmacology
- Cory Nadel, Pharmacology
- Amanda Bradley, Pharmacology
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Sukhaman Kaur, Senior, Health Studies (Bothell)
- Mentor
- Julie Shayne, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus)
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Gabrielle Myung-Hui (Gabby) Benuska, Senior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar, Washington Research Foundation Fellow
- Mentors
- Cole DeForest, Chemical Engineering
- Jared Shadish, Chemical Engineering
Poster Session 1
- Presenters
- Wai (Christine) Wong, Senior, Microbiology, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Brytania Angel Deloza, Senior, Extended Pre-Major
- Mentors
- Alexander Paredez, Biology
- Kelly Hennessey, Biology
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Sophia Cohanim, Senior, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Delene Oldenburg, Biology
- Arnold Bendich, Biology
Poster Session 1
Oral Presentation 1
12:30 PM to 2:15 PM
- Presenter
- Kennedy Keahi Stone (Kennedy) Tobin, Senior, Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Jeffrey Riffell, Biological Sciences
- Clement Vinauger, Biology
- Chloe Lahondere, Biology
Session 1C: Sensory Integration, Learning, and Motor Control in Animal and Human Models
- Presenter
- Luis Eduardo Salazar, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Horacio de la Iglesia, Biology
- Miriam Ben-Hamo, Biology
Session 1C: Sensory Integration, Learning, and Motor Control in Animal and Human Models
- Presenter
- Katie Bigham, Senior, Oceanography Mary Gates Scholar, Washington Research Foundation Fellow
- Mentor
- Deborah Kelley, Oceanography
Session 1D: Ecology and Evolution
- Presenter
- Alyssa Ashley Ann Scott, Senior, Oceanography
- Mentors
- Genevieve Davis, Biological Sciences
- Danielle Cholewiak, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
- Sofie VanParijs, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Session 1D: Ecology and Evolution
- Presenter
- Amaryllis Adey, Senior, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Julian Olden, College of the Environment
- Lauren Kuehne, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
Session 1D: Ecology and Evolution
- Presenter
- Frank McKay, Senior, Physics: Comprehensive Physics Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentor
- David Cobden, Physics
Session 1G: New Chemistries and Materials
- Presenter
- Amanda Moon Levenson, Senior, Chemical Engineering CoMotion Mary Gates Innovation Scholar, Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Jonathan Posner, Mechanical Engineering
- Andrew Bender, Mechanical Engineering
Session 1H: HIV: Diagnostics, Drug Resistance, and Antibodies
- Presenter
- Daisy Alexandra (Daisy) Jaime, Senior, Anthropology: Archaeological Sciences, History: Empire and Colonialism McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Vanessa Freije, Jackson School of International Studies
Session 1J: McNair Session - The State We're In: Bodies, Words, Prophesies and Power
- Presenter
- Patience Idegwu, Senior, Communication Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Juan Pampin, Digital Arts & Experimental Media
- Cicero Delfin, Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center
Session 1N: Global Perspectives
- Presenters
- Arthur Vartanyan, Senior, Mathematics
- Satvik Agarwal, Sophomore, Computer Science (Data Science)
- Jueyi Liu, Senior, Applied & Computational Mathematical Sciences (Scientific Computing & Numerical Algorithms)
- Dorothy Truong, Junior, Applied & Computational Mathematical Sciences (Discrete Mathematics & Algorithms)
- Mentors
- Jonah Ostroff, Mathematics
- Lucas Van Meter, Mathematics
Session 1R: Computer Science: Distributed Systems, Verification, Security and HCI
- Other Mathematics mentored projects (6)
- Other students mentored by Jonah Ostroff (1)
- Other students mentored by Lucas Van Meter (1)
- Presenter
- Kate Turk, Senior, Biology (Physiology) UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Laura den Hartigh, Medicine
Session 1S: New Diagnostic Tools for Seeing and Sensing Disease
Poster Presentation 2
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Joseph Long, Recent Graduate, Bioengineering, University of Washington UW Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program
- Mentors
- Deok-Ho Kim, Bioengineering
- Jonathan Tsui, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
- Other Bioengineering major students (60)
- Other Bioengineering mentored projects (42)
- Other students mentored by Deok-Ho Kim (2)
- Presenter
- Yasmin Everson, Senior, Extended Pre-Major
- Mentors
- Julia Cui, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
- Joseph Dempsey, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Kate Darby (Darby) Flanagan, Senior, Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Conservation) Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Megan Dethier, Friday Harbor Laboratories
- Katie Dobkowski, Biology
Poster Session 2
- Presenters
- Jacob Watkins, Senior, Mathematics, Physics: Comprehensive Physics
- Robert Gunn, Senior, Physics: Comprehensive Physics, Mathematics
- Jason Grills, Senior, Applied & Computational Mathematical Sciences (Discrete Mathematics & Algorithms)
- Mentors
- Jonah Ostroff, Mathematics
- Lucas Van Meter, Mathematics
Poster Session 2
- Other Mathematics mentored projects (6)
- Other students mentored by Jonah Ostroff (1)
- Other students mentored by Lucas Van Meter (1)
- Presenter
- Daniel Le Compte, Sophomore, Psychology, Bellevue College
- Mentors
- Rika Meyer, Psychology, Bellevue College
- Deepti Karkhanis, Psychology, Bellevue College
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Paula Gibson, Senior, Electrical Engineering
- Mentor
- Denise Wilson, Electrical Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Eloise Loen, Senior, Materials Science & Engineering UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Denise Wilson, Electrical Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Alexander (Alex) Islas, Sophomore, Forestry, Grays Harbor Coll
- Mentors
- Anthony Odell, Environmental & Forest Sciences, Olympic Region Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Program
- Amanda Lyn Gunn, Biological Sciences, Grays Harbor College
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Logan Stimson, Senior, Chemical Engineering
- Mentor
- Denise Wilson, Electrical Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Shi (Calysta) Yan, Senior, Bioen: Nanoscience & Molecular Engr UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Deok-Ho Kim, Bioengineering
- Alec Smith, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Nvida (N'vida) Yotcho, Junior,
- Mentor
- Jayadev Athreya, Mathematics
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Evan Lam, Senior, Chemical Engineering
- Mentors
- Deok-Ho Kim, Bioengineering
- Kevin Gray, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
- Presenters
- Jesse Hernandez, Junior, Physics: Applied Physics
- Nini Hong, Junior, Mechanical Engineering
- Mentor
- Santosh Devasia, Mechanical Engineering
Poster Session 2
Oral Presentation 2
3:30 PM to 5:15 PM
- Presenter
- Rebecca Gross, Junior, English UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Louis Chude-Sokei, English
- Charles LaPorte, English
Session 2A: Power Made Visible: Image, Identity, Narrative Activism
- Presenter
- Payam Evan (Payam) Farahani, Senior, Chemical Engr: Nanosci & Molecular Engr Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar, UW Honors Program, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee, Washington Research Foundation Fellow
- Mentors
- Cole DeForest, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering
- Steven Adelmund, Chemical Engineering
Session 2E: Advanced Technologies for Healthcare and Other Applications
- Presenter
- Chu (Judy) Zhuang, Senior, Economics, Mathematics UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Christopher Anderson, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Rachel Heath, Economics
Session 2F: Politics and Culture
- Presenter
- Shelby Andrist, Senior, Mathematics Education, Music,, Bemidji State University McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Del Lyren, Music, Bemidji State University
Session 2J: McNair Session - The Art of Learning: From Algebra to Prejudice
- Presenter
- Ernie Tao, Senior, Political Science, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Alanna Ruddell, Comparative Medicine
Session 2M: Fundamental Immune Mechanisms
- Presenter
- Aubrey D (Aubrey) Brown, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Alanna Ruddell, Comparative Medicine
Session 2M: Fundamental Immune Mechanisms
- Presenter
- Alexie Anne Carletti, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar, Innovations in Pain Research Scholar
- Mentors
- Joshua Woodward, Microbiology
- Adelle McFarland, Microbiology
Session 2M: Fundamental Immune Mechanisms
- Presenter
- Maryam Farrukh (Maryam) Naushab, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentor
- Jason Debley, Medicine, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Session 2M: Fundamental Immune Mechanisms
- Presenter
- Griffin Weir (Griffin) Hoins, Senior, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Megan Dethier, Friday Harbor Laboratories
Session 2P: Environmental Response of Plants and The Underlying Mechanisms
- Presenters
- Elizabeth Marina (Liz) Allyn, Senior, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Jennifer D. (Jenn) Gonzaga, Senior, Envir Sci: Conserv Biol & Ecol (Tacoma) Mary Gates Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Sylvia Yang, SEA Discovery Center, Western Washington University
- Megan Dethier, Friday Harbor Laboratories
- William King, Biology, Friday Harbor Laboratories
Session 2R: Ecology from Microbes to Birds
- Other SEA Discovery Center mentored projects (4)
- Other students mentored by Sylvia Yang (3)
- Other students mentored by Megan Dethier (2)
- Other students mentored by William King (3)
- Presenters
- Wenyi (Luke) Zhou, Junior, Environmental Science & Resource Management
- Benjamin David (Benjamin) Haagen, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentor
- Ursula Valdez, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus), UW Bothell
Session 2R: Ecology from Microbes to Birds
- Presenter
- Kathryn (Pearl) Wellington, Senior, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Dee Boersma, Biology
- Katie Holt, Biology
Session 2R: Ecology from Microbes to Birds
Poster Presentation 3
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
- Presenter
- Josephine Cordelia (Josephine) D'angelo, Senior, Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Chet Moritz, Physiology & Biophysics, Rehabilitation Medicine
- Sarah Mondello, Rehabilitation Medicine
Poster Session 3
- Other Physiology & Biophysics mentored projects (9)
- Other students mentored by Chet Moritz (1)
- Other students mentored by Sarah Mondello (1)
- Presenter
- Brandon Chen, Senior, Mat Sci & Engr: Nanosci & Moleculr Engr
- Mentors
- Devin MacKenzie, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Holly Brunner, Materials Science & Engineering
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Brandon Kern, Senior, Materials Science & Engineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Devin MacKenzie, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Doc Daugherty, Senior, Mat Sci & Engr: Nanosci & Moleculr Engr
- Mentor
- Devin MacKenzie, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Poster Session 3
- Presenters
- Neema Rostami, Senior, Mat Sci & Engr: Nanosci & Moleculr Engr
- Gavin Wayne (Gavin) Ames, Senior, Mat Sci & Engr: Nanosci & Moleculr Engr
- Mentor
- Devin MacKenzie, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Ziye (Randy) Wang, Senior, Culture, Literature, and the Arts (Bthl), Business Administration (Accounting), UW Bothell Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Deanna Kennedy, Business Administration (Bothell Campus), University of Washington Bothell
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Sharaya Sherwood, Senior, Psychology
- Mentors
- Julie Harrison, Psychology
- Julie Harrison, Psychology
Poster Session 3
- Other Psychology mentored projects (46)
- Other students mentored by Julie Harrison (1)
- Other students mentored by Julie Harrison (1)
- Presenter
- Benjamin David (Benjamin) Pedigo, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Chet Moritz, Physiology & Biophysics, Rehabilitation Medicine
- Sarah Mondello, Rehabilitation Medicine
Poster Session 3
- Other Physiology & Biophysics mentored projects (9)
- Other students mentored by Chet Moritz (1)
- Other students mentored by Sarah Mondello (1)
- Presenter
- Jesse Ashworth, Senior, Mathematics (Comprehensive), Physics: Comprehensive Physics Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Wally Melnitchouk, Physics, Jefferson Lab
- Peter Blunden, Physics, University of Manitoba
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Harrasleen Singh, Senior, Psychology
- Mentors
- Jaime Olavarria, Psychology
- Adrian Andelin, Psychology
Poster Session 3
- Presenters
- Yikun Li, Senior, Electrical Engineering
- Khalid Fahad Alzuhair, Senior, Electrical Engineering
- Shiyu (Shirman) Xia, Senior, Electrical Engineering
- Abby Xu, Senior, Electrical Engineering
- Mentor
- Sam Burden, Electrical Engineering
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Lewis Wenbo-Yin Luo, Senior, Business Administration (Finance), Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Gwenn Garden, Neurology
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Gregory Bertolacci, Senior, Physics: Applied Physics
- Mentor
- Dennis Hartmann, Atmospheric Sciences
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Kristy Chiang, Junior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Andrew Oberst, Immunology
- Annelise Snyder, Immunology
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Leah Ariel Osnis, Senior, Biochemistry UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Suman Jayadev, Neurology
- Susan Fung, Neurology
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Kathryn Robinson (Katie) Reynolds, Junior, Sociology UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Kyle Crowder, Sociology
- Robert Crutchfield, Sociology
- Hedy Lee, Sociology
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Michelle Kaywen (Michelle) Hong, Senior, Neurobiology, Psychology Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Suman Jayadev, Neurology
- Carole Smith, Neurology
Poster Session 3
Poster Presentation 4
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- Presenter
- Jose Verdezoto Mosquera, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentor
- Ajai Dandekar, Medicine, Microbiology
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Bayu Jarod Wilson, Junior, Physics: Comprehensive Physics, Astronomy Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Matthew McQuinn, Astronomy
- Phoebe Upton Sanderbeck, Astronomy
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Caitlyn E. Wilhelm, Freshman, Pre-Sciences
- Mentors
- Russell Deitrick, Astronomy
- Rory Barnes, Astrobiology, Astronomy
Poster Session 4
- Presenters
- Sydney Russell, Junior, Public Health-Global Health
- Ryan Koning, Junior, Environmental Science & Resource Management, Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Conservation)
- Riley James (Riley) Corrie, Senior, Political Science (Political Economy)
- Mentor
- Ursula Valdez, Environmental Science, UW Bothell
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Jessica (Jessie) Hild, Junior, Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Conservation)
- Mentor
- Ursula Valdez, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus), UW Bothell
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Joey Smith, Junior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Dan Doherty, Pediatrics
- Julie Van De Weghe, Pediatrics
Poster Session 4
- Other Pediatrics mentored projects (31)
- Other students mentored by Dan Doherty (2)
- Other students mentored by Julie Van De Weghe (1)
- Presenter
- Emma Earl, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Mentors
- Dan Doherty, Pediatrics
- Julie Van De Weghe, Pediatrics
Poster Session 4
- Other Pediatrics mentored projects (31)
- Other students mentored by Dan Doherty (2)
- Other students mentored by Julie Van De Weghe (1)
- Presenter
- Eden Pollock, Senior, Environmental Science & Resource Management
- Mentor
- Derek Churchill, Environmental & Forest Sciences
Poster Session 4
- Presenters
- Chia-Li Yu, Sophomore, Psychology
- Melissa Tayon, Senior, Psychology, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Tanner DeLawyer, Psychology, Kochi University of Technology
- Steven L. Buck, Psychology
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Yuen (Athena) Tse, Recent Graduate,
- Mentors
- David DeMar, Biological Sciences
- Gregory Wilson Mantilla, Biology
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Sarah Farrell, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentors
- Jennifer Doherty, Biology
- Mary Pat Wenderoth, Biology
Poster Session 4
- Other Biology mentored projects (64)
- Other students mentored by Jennifer Doherty (2)
- Other students mentored by Mary Pat Wenderoth (2)
- Presenters
- Mallory Jackson, Senior, Psychology, Biology (Physiology)
- Alina Thuc Uyen (Alina) Tran, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Jennifer Doherty, Biology
- Mary Pat Wenderoth, Biology
Poster Session 4
- Other Biology mentored projects (64)
- Other students mentored by Jennifer Doherty (2)
- Other students mentored by Mary Pat Wenderoth (2)
- Presenter
- Osman Salahuddin, Junior, Neurobiology
- Mentors
- Jennifer Doherty, Biology
- Mary Pat Wenderoth, Biology
Poster Session 4
- Other Biology mentored projects (64)
- Other students mentored by Jennifer Doherty (2)
- Other students mentored by Mary Pat Wenderoth (2)
- Presenter
- Anika Hidayat, Freshman, Center for Study of Capable Youth NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentor
- Dee Boersma, Biology
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Beatrice Dornfeld, Junior, Anthropology: Archaeological Sciences
- Mentors
- Marcos Llobera, Anthropology
- Jacob Deppen, Anthropology
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Adithya Vegaraju, Senior, Chemistry, Biochemistry UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Vandana Kalia, Medicine, Pediatrics
- Surojit Sarkar, Medicine, Pathology, Pediatrics
- Yevgeniy Yuzefpolskiy, Medicine
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Molly K. Payne, Senior, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Emily Carrington, Biological Sciences
- Alexander Lowe, Biology
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Amanda Pan, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentors
- Simon Johnson, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Phil Morgan, Anesthesiology
- Margaret Sedensky, Anesthesiology
Poster Session 4