Food has long been recognized as the way that people assign identities to themselves and others. We interpret the type of food individuals consume as a factor that constructs their biological, sociological, and psychological images. As social media grows more pervasive, foodie culture and new methods of self-expression through food visuals have been introduced. For example, today there is a trend for social media users to share pictures of food and meals they consume online. The goal of this study is to examine behaviors, identities, and motivations of 18-30 years old foodies through the food visuals they choose to post on Instagram. The study aims to seek answers to the following questions: What motivates young foodies to post different kinds of food visuals; Is there a relationship between identities and food photos; and, Why food has become such a popular subject to share online? Multiple data collection methods, including surveys and direct observation, are used in this research. The study anticipates that young foodies use food visuals as a tool to create emotional connections in their own network and to put forward a visual version of their personalities and values. Food visuals can be many things: demonstrations of social status, reflections of self, replicate togetherness, and create community, to name just a few. The findings of this research are useful for understanding what motivates people to post food photos on social media, and what those photos represent about their sense of self, their values, and their sense of community. The findings can be a stepping stone for future research exploring the relationship between food, humans, and social media in a wider perspective.