PEDOT:PSS-based organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) has been widely used for various sensing applications such as glucose, antigen, DNA, and pH sensing thanks to the much lower working voltages, typically less than 1 V, and known biocompatibility of a PEDOT:PSS. OECT comprises three electrodes (source, drain, and gate), a PEDOT:PSS channel between source and drain, and electrolyte solution of analytes. Electric current flows through the conductive PEDOT:PSS channel. However, upon the application of a positive gate voltage, cations from the electrolyte are injected into the channel, decreasing a conductivity of the PEDOT:PSS. Hence, electric current decreases as a gate voltage becomes more positive. In general, OECT is implemented by submerging a separate gate electrode in an electrolyte solution, thereby, making this only suitable for a laboratory environment. However, reports dealing with the impact of in-plane gate electrode on the OECT performance are relatively scarce. The proposed double-in-plane gate electrode for OECTs possesses great potential for the development of highly integrated OECT where each transistor can be separately controlled from its own gate electrode. All electrodes (gate, source, and drain) were placed in the same plane. High conductivity PEDOT:PSS was used to create a channel between source and drain. A PBS (Phosphate-Buffered Saline) was used as an electrolyte and pH value was adjusted with a hydrochloric acid. A drop of electrolyte of pH 3, 4, 5 or, 7.4 was placed just over the channel and the gate electrode. Compared to the transistor with a single gate, the double-gate transistor exhibited much higher transconductance of 35 mS. This means that the double-gate transistor can modulate larger current at the same gate voltage. Such a high transconductance with in-plane architecture will allow the development of portable OECT arrays for various chemical/biological sensing applications.