Impacting approximately 400,000 people in the United States, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, and the leading cause of disability among young to middle aged people in the developed world. It causes demyelination of neural axons in brain tissue, with associated loss of central and peripheral function. The Mourad lab specializes in applications of focused ultrasound. We, among others, have shown that transcranial delivery of pulsed focused ultrasound (pFU) can non-destructively activate central neural circuits, while others have shown enhanced myelin remodeling of axons activated by laser light in an optogenetic mouse model. Here, we hypothesized that targeted, transcranial pFU activation of axons within MS lesions in a rodent model would decrease the animals’ de-myelination and increase their re-myelination. To this effect, we performed pilot studies. After a baseline MRI session, we simulated MS-like pathology by feeding the mice .2% Cuprizone chow over the course of 10 weeks. We subsequently used MRI imaging two weeks after the end of their Cuprizone course to document de-myelination. This was followed by five days of half-hour long therapeutic transcranial pFU sessions, with subdermal EEG monitoring on the first day to verify neural activation. After a final MRI session, we histologically analyzed the brains of the animals, comparing myelin-stained corpus callosum on the hemisphere of the brain to control tissue. Our pilot study suggests a statistically significant increase in re-myelination in a mouse-model of MS.