Found 8 projects
Oral Presentation 2
3:30 PM to 5:15 PM
- Presenter
- Brooke Byun, Senior, Biochemistry, Communication UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Carmen Gonzalez, Communication
Session 2A: Power Made Visible: Image, Identity, Narrative Activism
- Presenter
- Kyra Kaiser, Junior, Environmental Science & Resource Management UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Leah Ceccarelli, Communication
Session 2C: Using Speculation, Poetics, and Art to Understand Biological Relationships
- Presenter
- Jayden Requena, Sophomore, Communication , Shoreline Community College
- Mentor
- Brooke Zimmers, Communication, Shoreline Community College
Session 2D: The Health of the Public
Poster Presentation 3
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
- Presenter
- Napatsorn (Pam) Thanarugchok, Senior, Communication Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Anita Crofts, Communication
- Valerie Manusov, Communication
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Caleb T. (Caleb) Huffman, Senior, Political Science, Communication UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Matt McGarrity, Communication
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Nancy Soto, Senior, Communication UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Carmen Gonzalez, Communication
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Annika Larson, Senior, Communication UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- LeiLani Nishime, Communication
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Colin Gill, Senior, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Ralina Joseph, Communication
Poster Session 3