Urodeles such as newts and salamanders have the capacity to regenerate limbs following amputation through epimorphic regeneration, a process characterized by the formation of a proliferative mass of partially dedifferentiated cells called the blastema. The blastema is formed through three steps: migration of cells to the amputation site, dedifferentiation, and re-entry into the cell cycle. It is unknown whether mammalian cells possess competence to respond to blastema formation and process the inductive signals that drive migration, dedifferentiation, and proliferation. To explore this question, our goals were twofold. First, we aimed to develop a xenograft model of epimorphic regeneration by introducing mammalian pre-osteoblastic cells into the regenerating zebrafish tail fin (a tractable model of epimorphic bone regeneration that molecularly resembles amphibian limb regeneration). Next, we sought to compare the behavior of mammalian cells to embryonic zebrafish cells by developing an allograft assay. Adult zebrafish were subjected to caudal fin amputation and housed in ~33°C water. Three days post amputation, CM-DiI-labeled MC3T3-E1 murine pre-osteoblastic cells or fluorescent-dextran labeled embryonic zebrafish cells extracted from the blastula period were injected into the proximal blastema of the adult fish. Fish were subjected to daily in vivo imaging. Injected murine cells exhibited migration to the blastema, engraftment, and stability for up to 48 hours post injection (hpi); decreased fluorescence was observed at 2-3 days post injection potentially due to fish immune system activity. Allograft comparisons showed distal migration, engraftment, and stability for 48-72 hpi in embryonic zebrafish cells in a matter nearly identical to the behavior observed in murine cells. Because MC3T3-E1s and embryonic cells exhibit similar migration behavior, our data suggest that murine cells are able to process inductive signals driving localization to distal tissue. Provided the correct conditions, mammalian pre-osteoblastic cells may be capable of engrafting and proliferating in an epimorphic bone regeneration process.