Current drug delivery methods lack the ability to effectively deliver a drug to a targeted region and fail to escape from the endosome. The ability to gain greater control over a drug’s effective delivery would lead to an enhanced efficacy of existing drugs, decrease the amount administration sessions, and reduce the number of side effects. Nanotechnology is a means to address these issues as the unique quantum properties witnessed on this scale allow for enhanced targeting and greater control over the delivery of the targeted drug. However, biocompatibility and toxicity are concerns with many developments within nanotechnology. To address these concerns, we have designed a siRNA-aptamer chimera based on protein biosynthesized calcium phosphate (CaP) nanoparticles. This was done due to CaP’s well-known biocompatibility and biodegradability as the calcium phosphate dissolves within the endosome, therefore releasing the siRNA into the cytoplasm of the cell. Within this project, we have targeted cancer cells as a means to quantify the efficacy of our nanoparticles. Through engineering a dual-functional protein expressed in E.coli, we were capable of 1) biosynthesizing CaP nanoparticles utilizing the protein’s affinity to calcium phosphate, and 2) binding siRNA onto the designed protein for delivery, which is utilized to inhibit the translation of the targeted cancer cells. The biomineralized nanoparticles were characterized via DLS and TEM to reveal that we had synthesized uniform 100nm nanoparticles, a promising result which supports our goal of designing nanoparticles capable of establishing greater control over drug delivery. The completion of this project would entail the successful design of biocompatible nanoparticles that could be effectively used to silence cancer cells. As the protein’s affinity for a substrate can be manipulated, these siRNA-aptamer chimeras could see use with other drugs as well; effectively leading to a powerful and versatile drug delivery system.