Found 15 projects
Poster Presentation 1
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Presenter
- Muhammad (Shabbeer) Ghauri, Junior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Danielle Lavallee, Surgery, School of Medicine
- Sarah Lawrence, Surgery, Surgical Outcomes Research Center
- David Flum, Surgery
Poster Session 1
Oral Presentation 1
12:30 PM to 2:15 PM
- Presenter
- Brandon Gene (Brandon) Pratt, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental), Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Tom Daniel, Biology
Session 1B: Unmasking Brain Function: From Single Molecules to Complex Information Processing
- Presenter
- Karan Gunwant (Karan) Rai, Senior, Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar, UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Jan-Marino (Nino) Ramirez, Neurological Surgery
- Julia Pollak, Seattle Children's Research Institute, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Robert Rostomily, Neurological Surgery
Session 1M: Therapeutic Vulnerabilities of Cancer
Poster Presentation 2
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Gina Lee (Gina) Hansen, Senior, Bioengineering Goldwater Scholar, Washington Research Foundation Fellow
- Mentor
- Daniel Ratner, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
Oral Presentation 2
3:30 PM to 5:15 PM
- Presenter
- Johnson Ju Yue (Johnson) Deng, Senior, English (Creative Writing) UW Honors Program
- Mentor
- Tom Foster, English
Session 2A: Picturing the Past and Imagining the Future
- Presenter
- Ariana Melissa (Ariana) Samuelson, Senior, Biochemistry CoMotion Mary Gates Innovation Scholar, Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar, UW Honors Program, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Daniel Promislow, Biology, Pathology, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Jeasica Hoffman, Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Session 2D: Protein Chemistry and Metabolomics
- Presenter
- Jianghezi (Alexis) Zheng, Senior, Landscape Architecture Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Daniel Winterbottom, Landscape Architecture
Session 2G: Power, Poverty, Privilege, and the Making of Urban Geographies
Poster Presentation 3
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
- Presenters
- Emmanuel Cuevas, Senior, Biology (Physiology) UW Honors Program
- Natalie Pearlman, Sophomore, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) UW Honors Program
- Mentors
- Daniel Promislow, Biology, Pathology, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Adrienne Wang, Pathology
Poster Session 3
- Presenters
- Vesal Mobasher, Junior, Biochemistry
- June Shin Lee, Senior, Microbiology
- Mentors
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
- Daniel Carr, Pathology
Poster Session 3
Poster Presentation 4
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- Presenter
- Andrew Charles (Drew) McWhirter, Senior, Oceanography Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Daniel Grunbaum, Oceanography
Poster Session 4
- Presenters
- Savanna Carmack, Sophomore, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Edmonds Community College
- Eric Fil, Sophomore, Chemistry, Edmonds Community College
- Mentor
- Tom Fleming, Physics, Edmonds College
Poster Session 4
- Other Biochemistry major students (95)
- Other Bioengineering major students (56)
- Other students mentored by Tom Fleming (2)
- Presenters
- Andrew Ruiz, Sophomore, Physics, Computer Engineering, Edmonds Community College
- Fitsum Haileselassie, Sophomore, Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Edmonds Community College
- Clarice Astronimo, Sophomore, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Edmonds Community College
- Mentor
- Tom Fleming, Physics, Edmonds College
Poster Session 4
- Other Physics major students (2)
- Other Computer Engineering major students (5)
- Other students mentored by Tom Fleming (2)
- Presenters
- Robert (Rob) Kingen, Sophomore, Computer Science, Edmonds Community College
- Lawrence Romangsuriat, Sophomore, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Edmonds Community College
- Kevin Crawford, Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering, Edmonds Community College
- Mentor
- Tom Fleming, Physics, Edmonds College
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Melanie Anderson, Senior, Electrical Engr: Nanoscience & Molecular
- Mentor
- Tom Daniel, Biology, Neurobiology & Behavior
Poster Session 4
- Presenters
- Luming Yang, Senior, Chemistry
- Atch Gopalan, Junior, Exchange - Arts & Sciences
- Mentors
- Daniel Gamelin, Chemistry
- Kathryn Knowles, Chemistry
Poster Session 4