Non-traditional isotopes have become increasingly important as tracers for geological and environmental processes on earth. Recently, renewed attention has been direct towards potassium (K) isotopes given the abundance of K in the earth and the potential for significant mass-dependent fractionation between 41K and 39K. There is little existing research on K isotopes primarily due to analytical difficulties, however recent technological developments have made precise analysis possible. Seawater has the potential to be an excellent geostandard for K isotope geochemistry because of predicted 41K/39K homogeneity through the water column, and its wide accessibility around the globe. A total of forty-seven, 30 mL samples were collected in July 2015 aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson on the VISIONS 2015 Expedition to Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Samples were collected from CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) casts as well as niskin bottles operated by the Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean Science (ROPOS). Seawater profile samples were taken at several locations from 7 m down to 2890 m. Evaluating the K isotopic composition at each depth and geographic location will determine if the K isotope composition of seawater is homogeneous and therefore if seawater may be useful as a future geostandard. If K behaves similarly to other non-traditional isotope systems, 39K will preferentially be released into the hydrosphere during weathering, leaving the residual rock enriched in 41K. This behavior will be useful in constraining the process of granite weathering, and its effect on the K budget in the hydrosphere. In chemical oceanography, there is thought to be a missing sink for K, and it is theorized that clay formation, crustal fractures, or both may remove K from seawater. Determining the feasibility of seawater as a geostandard for K isotopes will further facilitate new research in these and other geochemical topics.