In collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton, our E E 497/498 Entrepreneurial Design Capstone project addresses the challenge of taking precisely georeferenced photographs of the underwater domain. These photographs will be mapped onto existing bathymetric datasets (from sources like NASA and NOAA) to provide visual textures of static and dynamic underwater points of interest. Our team’s role is the design and implementation of the imaging system hardware, which will complement visualization software under development at Booz Allen Hamilton’s Seattle office. Our design extends the OpenROV 2.8 platform, a small open-source, tethered, remotely-operated vehicle (ROV), with emphasis on developing a successful prototype using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts at minimal cost. In total, our team has implemented (1) the extension of OpenROV into an underwater imaging platform, carrying a payload enabling hemispherical imaging below the ROV; (2) the design of a tethered surface buoy system, with access to Differential GPS data to act as a reference for geolocating the ROV; (3) the design of an ROV-mounted acoustic transmitter and buoy-mounted acoustic receiver array to determine underwater distance between the ROV and each array element; (4) the design of an efficient trilateration algorithm using nonlinear and linear least-squares optimization to accurately position the ROV relative to the buoy based on (3). Our research has significant implications for improving access to the underwater domain, including low-cost maritime sensing and deployment applications and military training and simulation applications.