With the first detection of an exoplanet in the 1990's, the goal of discovering life beyond our solar system became a real possibility. Since then, thousands of exoplanets have been discovered, many of which are Earth-sized and potentially habitable. The planned James Webb Space Telescope may be capable of taking spectra of the atmospheres of Earth like exoplanets to determine if life is present. However, technical constraints will limit the number of targets to only a few within its operational lifetime. Prioritizing targets based on their potential to support life is therefore essential. Here, we study one crucial, but often overlooked, factor in determining habitability – the internal thermal evolution of exoplanets. A planet that is too cold may lack geochemical cycles, such as the carbon cycle on Earth, that maintain a stable atmosphere. A planet that is too hot may be too volcanic to support life. In between lies a “habitable zone” of internal energy. To search for its limits, we use computer models to simulate the thermal evolution of planets as a function of two factors – abundance of radioactive elements, and initial internal temperature. Radioactive decay provides a modest but steady source of energy for planets, while events like the impact that formed our moon can deposit enormous amounts of energy but on a much shorter time scale. The results of our analysis suggest that a given planet’s thermal evolution is far more sensitive to the abundance of radioactive elements than its initial temperature. For example, Earth without radioactivity would have become tectonically dormant in only 3 billion years. But with levels of radioactive isotopes like those in carbonaceous chrondrite meteorites, Earth could have experienced Io-like levels of volcanism for the first billion years.