The performance of polymer solar cells (PSC) have been a popular study in its applications and fabrication processes in the field of solar energy. Although the power conversion efficiency (PCE) for this type of organic solar cell increased to about 6%, there is a need for the improvement in its device architecture. Creating solar cells involve a strategic fabrication process that consists of several layers that must be built in sequence. Each layer serves a crucial role. The primary role in the performance of its PCE is in optimizing the parameter of transport layers that facilitate charge carriers from the active layer. Fabricating solar cells start with a premade indium-tin oxide (ITO) coated electrode glass slide, followed by ZnO, an electron transport layer (ETL) created with specific measurements. The active layer, P3HT:PCBM is then created with appropriate concentration levels. MoO3, a hole transport layer (HTL), is deposited on top of the active layer, at a different thicknesses. Lastly, Ag is deposited to serve as our second electrode. Completing the solar cell with the second electrode completes the circuit. Electron charge carriers transport through ZnO to ITO, while the hole charge carriers transport through MoO3 to Ag. My research, therefore, aims to address what is the optimized thickness of the hole transport layer (HTL), MoO3, in order to further improve the PCE. In focusing on MoO3, results determined that as the layer thickness of MoO3 is reduced, the PCE increases. In opposition, as the layer thickness of MoO3 increases, the PCE decreases. By controlling the thickness of the hole transport layer, this allowed me to find an optimized thickness to produce high PCEs. This research opens new possibilities and opportunities for future processes when optimizing a particular layer.