Sulfate-reducing bacteria are widespread and live in many environments. Some sulfate reducers are capable of growing in a mutualistic relationship with methanogens. In nature, diverse sulfate-reducing bacteria have repeatedly evolved into obligate mutualists. We want to study how this evolution occurred by using a model system for evolution in the lab between a sulfate reducer, Desulfovibrio vulgaris, and a methanogen, Methanococcus maripaludis. After allowing these two organisms to evolve for 1000 generations in an environment that forces their cooperation, 12 out of 22 D. vulgaris populations lost the ability to reduce sulfate (sulfate-minus genotypes). We want to test whether the ratio of sulfate-minus relative to sulfate-plus (a genotype still able to grow on sulfate) genotypes in coculture affects the fitness benefit of the sulfate-minus genotypes. To do this, a sulfate-minus and plus D. vulgaris were placed together and their relative abundance in coculture was tracked over time. The experiment will tell us if some genotypes have the ability to take over when they are rare. To track these changes, we are using a method called FREQ-Seq. FREQ-Seq is an inexpensive way of analyzing the frequency of certain genes or other DNA sequences in a mixed population over time. We can use this method to understand how these populations of D. vulgaris evolved. I originally predicted there would be a higher sulfate-minus to plus ratio at the end of the competition compared to the initial ratio. D. vulgaris is an interesting model organism for studying the evolution of obligate sulfate-reducer/methanogen mutualisms because it can live either alone as a sulfate-reducer or together with other organisms in a syntrophic relationship. The data we collected can help us better understand the mechanisms of natural selection that cause sulfate reducing populations to become obligate mutualists.