Understanding how the brain processes information using neural circuits remains a challenging task. For example, although neurons in the mammalian visual cortex are known to be specialized for processing particular visual features, such as motion, color or depth, little progress has been made on elucidating the underlying circuit diagrams. To address this problem, we have developed a system with a Java-based user interface that can apply optimization strategies to rapidly test competing models against large amounts of neurophysiological data, parallelizing the computational load across a cluster of workstations, to uncover plausible circuit models. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of this system, we are applying it to understand the function of motion-sensitive neurons in the primate visual cortex. These neurons are direction selective (DS), meaning that they respond well to a visual stimulus moving in one direction but not in others. Previous studies demonstrated that this response also changes with stimulus speed: as the visual world moves faster, the neurons appear to operate on a shorter timescale. Current mathematical models for DS neurons, which are based on filters that change position linearly with time, predict the response to some stimuli but do not account for the ability of the neuronal response to adapt to changes in speed. We hypothesize that a model using a filter that changes position nonlinearly with time will better explain the experimental data. To discover this filter, we are building several candidate models and will apply our optimization system to test their performance against our own experimental data. We will test these nonlinear filter models against an alternative that uses multiple linear filters, each tuned for a different velocity. If our approach can improve upon current models for DS neurons, it may offer neuroscientists a powerful tool for revealing neural circuits that underlie visual perception.