Found 4 projects
Poster Presentation 1
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Presenter
- Lauren Elizabeth (Lauren) Whybrew, Junior, Atmospheric Sciences Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Joel Thornton, Atmospheric Sciences
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Parker Jan (Parker) Malek, Junior, Atmospheric Sciences
- Mentor
- Abigail Swann, Atmospheric Sciences, Biology
Poster Session 1
- Presenter
- Elynn Wu, Senior, Atmospheric Sciences, Applied & Computational Mathematical Sciences (Scientific Computing & Numerical Algorithms) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Dargan Frierson, Atmospheric Sciences
- Alyssa Atwood, Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography
Poster Session 1
Oral Presentation 2
3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Brian Matilla, Junior, Atmospheric Sciences, Florida International University Presidential Scholar, McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Katja Friedrich, Atmospheric Sciences, University of Colorado-Boulder
Session 2L: McNair Session - Transection of Biology, Atmospheric Sciences, Engineering, Psychology, Neurobiology, and Anthropology