One of the main areas of focus in computational geology is how to quantitatively assess the nature of geomorphic features, in particular those that cannot be directly observed, such as the seafloor. An expert may know what a feature is simply by looking at it, and will be able to expound on why the feature is what it is, but there are relatively few features for which a rigid, quantitative criteria exists, one that will define, without subjectivity, why a feature is this and not that. This project aims to develop such a criteria for the submarine features known as debris slumps, where large amounts of the seafloor along a ridge detach from the surrounding area and slowly move downwards, creating a large block of loose material. Using sonar data of a debris slump off of Samoa, several techniques are used to determine precisely where the slump begins and ends. These techniques include analysis of sediment distribution, geostatiscal models of changing depths, and analysis of slope, hill aspect, and other models of geologic change. Combining all of these results produces a distinct profile of what that debris slump quantitatively looks like. This profile can then be validated by comparing it to the profile the same suite of metrics produces for an area that is not part of a debris slump. The difference between the two profiles shows that a different set of processes are shaping each area of the seafloor, and the slump was created in a different way than the surrounding seafloor. Profiles of this nature allow marine geomorphologists, geologists, and remote sensing experts to quickly determine the identity of objects on the seafloor, and be able to assess the impact they will have on the surrounding region.