Found 4 projects
Poster Presentation 1
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ameen Tabatabai, Sophomore, Bioengineering
- Mentors
- Wayne Kreider, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Yak-Nam Wang, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Michael Bailey, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Adam Maxwell, Applied Physics Laboratory, Urology
Poster Session 1
Poster Presentation 4
4:15 PM to 5:45 PM
- Presenter
- Ji (Ji Soo) Kim, Senior, Bioengineering, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Joanne Wang, Pharmaceutics
- Haichuan Duan, Pharmaceutics
Poster Session 4
- Presenter
- Leslie Cornaby, Senior, Bioengineering
- Mentors
- Joo Ha Hwang, Medicine
- Yak-Nam Wang, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Navid Farr, Bioengineering
Poster Session 4
- Other Medicine mentored projects (23)
- Other students mentored by Joo Ha Hwang (1)
- Other students mentored by Yak-Nam Wang (2)
- Presenters
- Sarah Kang, Sophomore, Pre-Health Sciences
- Ann Booyo (Ann) Lee, Junior, Pre-Health Sciences
- Mentors
- Joo Ha Hwang, Medicine
- Yak-Nam Wang, Applied Physics Laboratory
Poster Session 4
- Other Medicine mentored projects (23)
- Other students mentored by Joo Ha Hwang (1)
- Other students mentored by Yak-Nam Wang (2)