Found 8 projects
Oral Presentation 1
1:15 PM to 2:45 PM
- Presenters
- Michelle M. (Michelle) McCartha, Senior, Environmental Science, UW Tacoma
- Katie Best, Non-Matriculated,
- Mentors
- Bonnie Becker, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Tacoma Campus)
- Jim Gawel, Environmental Science, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Tacoma Campus), University of Washington Tacoma
Session 1L: Quantifying the Effects of Humans on the Environment
- Presenter
- Spencer May, Senior, Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Whitman College
- Mentors
- Jim Russo, Biochemistry, Whitman College
- Jennie McLaurin, Other, Migrant Clinicians Network
- Adam Hoverman, Family Medicine, Global Health, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences
Session 1O: Health in Global Communities
Poster Presentation 2
12:45 PM to 2:15 PM
- Presenter
- Melissa Gile, Senior, Chemical Engineering, Mathematics
- Mentor
- Jim Pfaendtner, Chemical Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Zachary (Zack) Jarin, Senior, Chemical Engr: Nanosci & Molecular Engr
- Mentor
- Jim Pfaendtner, Chemical Engineering
Poster Session 2
Oral Presentation 2
3:45 PM to 5:15 PM
- Presenter
- Katrina Jane (Katrina) Herlambang, Senior, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Lorenz Hauser, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Shannon O'Brien, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Isadora Jimenez, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
Session 2R: Evolving Systems in Biology: From Molecules to Marsupials
Poster Presentation 3
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
- Presenter
- Neilmegh (Neil) Varada, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Jimmy Chua, Other, KGH
- Lani Lei, Biochemistry, Psychology, Zain Research LLC
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Jennifer Lynn (Jen) Vittetoe, Senior, Environmental Science, UW Tacoma
- Mentors
- Erica Cline, Environmental & Forest Sciences, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Tacoma Campus)
- Jim Gawel, Environmental Science, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Tacoma Campus), University of Washington Tacoma
- Gregory Ettl, Environmental & Forest Sciences
Poster Session 3
Poster Presentation 4
4:15 PM to 5:45 PM
- Presenter
- Curtis John (Curty) Rusch, Junior, Mechanical Engineering
- Mentor
- Jim Thomson, Applied Physics Laboratory, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 4