Found 3 projects
Oral Presentation 2
3:45 PM to 5:15 PM
- Presenter
- Timothy Perisho, Fifth Year, Mathematics, Philosophy, Seattle Pacific University
- Mentor
- Steve Johnson, Mathematics, Seattle Pacific University
Session 2A: Graphs and Geometry
- Other Mathematics major students (24)
- Other Philosophy major students (8)
- Other Mathematics mentored projects (3)
- Presenter
- Evan Kleiner, Junior, Mathematics, Whitman College
- Mentor
- Albert Schueller, Mathematics, Whitman College
Session 2A: Graphs and Geometry
Poster Presentation 4
4:15 PM to 5:45 PM
- Presenter
- Thanh Dang, Sophomore, Mathematics, Seattle Central College
- Mentor
- Steve Kangas, Mathematics, Seattle Central Community College
Poster Session 4
- Other Mathematics major students (24)
- Other Mathematics mentored projects (3)
- Other students mentored by Steve Kangas (1)