Exoplanets are planets outside our solar system, and the current explosion in exoplanet discoveries is revolutionizing our understanding of the potential for extraterrestrial life. This prolific era of detections has stemmed largely from the unprecedented observing capabilities of NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. The Kepler Spacecraft collects high precision time-series photometric data on a fixed group of approximately 160,000 stars. The data are represented by temporal lightcurves (i.e. brightness vs. time) that can be used to detect transiting exoplanets, the topic of our research. Transits are events where an orbiting planet partially eclipses its host star, casting a small shadow on the telescope. To detect transit signals, we rely on the Quasi-Periodic Automated Transit Search Algorithm (QATS). As an automated tool, QATS provides a crucial means to reduce the Kepler dataset to a manageable size. However, since the algorithm is sensitive to stellar variability, eclipsing binary stars, and systematic artifacts of the spacecraft, additional analysis is required to separate true detections from false positives. Determining the best way to do this is the present focus of our work. Concurrently, we are exploring the potential for QATS not only to determine orbital period, but also to constrain transit depth and duration (properties related to the size of the exoplanet and to the density of the stellar host). While this increases the complexity of the QATS algorithm and the amount of output to manage, it provides greater potential for a fully automated transit search process with results that are more descriptive of the exoplanet systems detected.