Found 294 projects
Poster Presentation 1
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
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The Natural Dangers of Poverty: A Geographic Analysis between Geological Hazards and High Poverty Populations in the United States
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #162
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Harrison Togia, Senior, Earth & Space Sciences McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Darrel Cowan, Earth & Space Sciences
- Issa Abdulcadir, Sociology
- Brooke Cassell, Environmental & Forest Sciences
Poster Session 1
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Alleviating Social-Defeat Induced Anxiety and Depression by Kappa-Opioid Receptor Antagonism
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #108
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Bihe (Gina) Chen, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Charles Chavkin, Pharmacology
- Richard Gustin, Pharmacology
Poster Session 1
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Mechanical Effect of Blood Flow on the Carotid Artery Bifurcation
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #144
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Laura Van Kolck, Senior, Mechanical Engineering
- Mentor
- Alberto Aliseda, Mechanical Engineering
Poster Session 1
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Evaluating the Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) Neural Network Model by Comparison to Common Network Architectures
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #140
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Trevor Engman, Junior, Physics, Computer Science, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Timothy Andersen, Computer Science & Engineering, Boise State University
- Troy Rohn, Biology, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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Mechanisms of Glycemic Improvement after Gastrointestinal Surgery (RYGB Mechanisms)
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #105
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Adam Ching (Adam) Tanaka, Junior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentors
- Andrew Wright, Surgery
- Caro Slingluff, Surgery
Poster Session 1
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Faces and Feelings
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #68
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Nicole Lynn Stephens, Junior, Anthropology
- Mentors
- Janxin Leu, Psychology
- Yay-hung Cho, Psychology
- Sandra Hanesana, Psychology
Poster Session 1
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Identity, Faith and Misconceptions: The Role of Religion for Women in College
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #31
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Almeera M (Almeera) Anwar, Senior, Communication (Journalism), Anthropology
- Mentor
- Danny Hoffman, Anthropology
Poster Session 1
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Voices from the "Inside": Prisoner Attitudes About Sex Offenders
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #43
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- N. A. (Nikki) Weihe, Junior, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Andrew Giacomazzi, Sociology, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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Developing a Computational Method for Identifying the Catalytic Specificity of Metagenomic Enzyme Sequences
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #95
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Sean Joseph (Sean) Wu, Senior, Computer Science, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- David Baker, Biochemistry
- TJ Brunette, Biochemistry
- Justin Siegel, Biochemistry
Poster Session 1
- Other Biochemistry mentored projects (16)
- Other students mentored by David Baker (1)
- Other students mentored by Justin Siegel (3)
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Engineering Proteins for Gluten Degradation
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #94
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Sydney Rin Anna (Sydney) Gordon, Senior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- David Baker, Biochemistry
- Justin Siegel, Biochemistry
- Ingrid Pultz, Microbiology
Poster Session 1
- Other Biochemistry mentored projects (16)
- Other students mentored by David Baker (1)
- Other students mentored by Justin Siegel (3)
- Other students mentored by Ingrid Pultz (1)
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Designing a Probe to Study Sub-Glacial Lakes
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #160
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ross Olason, Senior, Mechanical Engineering
- Mentors
- Dale Winebrenner, Earth & Space Sciences
- Tim Elam, Earth & Space Sciences
Poster Session 1
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Effects of Light Limitation on Plant-Rhizobia and Plant-Micorrhiza Interactions
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #46
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jess Millar, Senior, Biology: Micro/Molecular, Health Studies: Health Science, Science, Portland State University McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Daniel Ballhorn, Biology, Portland State University
Poster Session 1
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Characteristics of Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli including Their Responses to Predation
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #45
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Regina Vigil, Senior, Biochemistry, Biology, California State University, East Bay McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Carol Lauzon, Biology, California State University, East Bay
- Erica Wildy, Biology, California State University, East Bay
Poster Session 1
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Evaluation of Benzaldehyde and Oxyamine Chemistry for Application to Bioconjugation
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #93
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Vy Pham, Senior, Chemistry (ACS Certified)
- Mentor
- D. Scott Wilbur, Radiation Oncology
Poster Session 1
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The Relationship Between Infectivity and Virulence in an Aquatic Vertebrate Virus
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #52
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Douglas (Doug) McKenney, Sophomore, Biology, Sccc Inactive Code
- Mentor
- Andrew Wargo, Biology
Poster Session 1
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“The Memory You are Left With”: Photography’s Role in the Process of Mourning Neonatal, Perinatal, and Infant Death
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #30
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Faustine Lauren (Faustine) Dufka, Senior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Danny Hoffman, Anthropology
Poster Session 1
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Investigation and Analysis of River Plume Dynamics via Experimental Simulation
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #145
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Anthony Robert Poggioli, Senior, Civil Engineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Alex Horner-Devine, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 1
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Race on Campus: How Do Students Feel About It?
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #84
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Grace Adofoli, Senior, Psychology, University of Wisconsin, River Falls McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Cyndi Kernahan, Psychology
Poster Session 1
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Peptide-based Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles as Specific Targeting Probes
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #150
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Nicole Zarfos, Senior, Materials Science & Engineering
- Mentors
- Candan Tamerler, Materials Science & Engineering
- Marketa Hnilova, Materials Science & Engineering
Poster Session 1
- Other Materials Science & Engineering mentored projects (9)
- Other students mentored by Marketa Hnilova (1)
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Investigating the Synergistic Effects of Nanotopography and an SDF-1α Gradient on Human Mesanchymal Stem Cells
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #97
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Derek Michael (Derek) Britain, Junior, Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentor
- Deok-Ho Kim, Bioengineering
Poster Session 1
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Measuring Crosstalk for the Majorana Demonstrator Neutrino Experiment
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #147
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- James Declan (James) Mulligan, Senior, Mathematics, Physics
- Mentor
- Andreas Knecht, Physics, Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
Poster Session 1
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The Brief Adjustment Scale for EAS-C: Validity, Acceptability, and Utility of A New Measure of Psychological Distress
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #70
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alexandra Paige (Paige) Harris, Senior, Psychology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Corey Fagan, Psychology
- Adrianne Stevens, Psychology
Poster Session 1
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Assessment of Surface Energy Balance in Southern Idaho
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #141
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Beda Luitel, Junior, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Venkat Sridhar, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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U-Dub Club Hub
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #133
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenters
- Henry Qin, Senior, Informatics (Human-Computer Interaction)
- Andrew Oss, Senior, Informatics
- Kelsey Brianna Fix, Senior, Informatics (Human-Computer Interaction)
- Michael Eric Routon, Senior, Informatics
- Mentor
- Batya Friedman, The Information School
Poster Session 1
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Development of Functional Indicators of Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Health
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #48
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Mario Farias, Senior, Environmental Science, Heritage College McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Matthew Cooper, Biology
- Kazuhiro Sonoda, Environmental Science, Heritage University
Poster Session 1
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vTracker: Volunteer Record Management Made Easy
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #132
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenters
- Bryan Dosono, Senior, Informatics McNair Scholar
- Walton Huynh, Senior, Business Administration (Information Systems), Informatics
- Kenneth (Ken) Liu, Senior, Informatics
- Wilson Lu, Senior, Informatics (Human-Computer Interaction)
- Mentors
- Batya Friedman, The Information School
- Kristen Shinohara, The Information School
Poster Session 1
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The Impact of Perceived Susceptibility: University Students' Vaccination Decisions and the Human Papillomavirus
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #29
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Amy Budwill, Senior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Donna Leonetti, Anthropology
Poster Session 1
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A Closer Look at the May 18th, 1980 Mt. St. Helens Pumice Plain Deposits: Evidence for Changing Flow Boundary Conditions in Pyroclastic Density Currents
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #172
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Chelsea MacKaman-Lofland, Senior, Earth & Space Sciences NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentor
- Brittany Brand, Earth & Space Sciences, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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Perception of Natural Hazards and Risk Among University of Washington Students
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #171
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Katherine Herr, Junior, Earth & Space Sciences, Pre Engineering NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentor
- Brittany Brand, Earth & Space Sciences, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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The Native Comic Book Project
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #115
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Corinna Tordillos, Junior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Dedra Buchwald, Medicine
- Carrie Nass, Center for Clinical and Epidemiological Research
Poster Session 1
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Cytokine Dynamics in Transgenic Tg338 Mice Challenged with Scrapie
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #96
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ke (Kate) Fan, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Denny Liggitt, Comparative Medicine
- Gina Kiske, Comparative Medicine
Poster Session 1
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Studying Arabidopsis Hormone Interaction Pathways with Genetic Crosses
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #86
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Wei Xiang (Vincent) Liu, Senior, Biology (General), Medical Technology
- Mentors
- Jodi Lilley, Biology
- Jennifer Nemhauser, Biology
Poster Session 1
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Quorum Sensing in Burkholderia thailandensis
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #116
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Thao Truong, Senior, Microbiology, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- E Peter Greenberg, Microbiology
- Josephine Chandler, Microbiology
Poster Session 1
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The Helmet Drop Tower Project
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #135
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Tyler Dennis (Tyler) Wickstrom, Senior, Mechanical Engineering NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Irving Scher, Mechanical Engineering, Guidance Engineering
- Randy Ching, Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Biomechanics Lab
Poster Session 1
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Traffic Safety and Ethnicity: Are Our Roads Signs Intuitive Across All Cultures?
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #138
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Sherry Kim, Senior, Civil Engineering McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Scott Rutherford, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 1
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What You Post is What You Drink: Alcohol-Related Facebook Content Predicts Drinking Behavior
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #77
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenters
- Hannes Heppner, Junior, Psychology
- Susanna Nadine Jahn, Junior, Exchange - Arts & Sciences
- Mentors
- Erin Westgate, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
- Kristen Lindgren, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Poster Session 1
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Analyzing and Demonstrating the Robustness of Self-Stabilizing Inverted Pendulums
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #175
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jared Szi, Junior, Mathematics, University of California, Davis McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Dan Romik, Mathematics, University of California, Davis
Poster Session 1
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An Enrichment of Understanding Between Students with Special Needs and Typically Developing Students in Inclusive Classrooms
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #8
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Dawn Darbie Bayle Tuason, Junior, Early Childhood & Family Studies Mary Gates Scholar, McNair Scholar
- Mentors
- Ed Taylor, Education
- Jenee Myers Twitchell, Education
- Gene Edgar, Education, university of washington
Poster Session 1
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Working with Students with Disabilities: A Toolkit Designed for Paraeducators and Classroom Volunteers
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #14
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Katherine (Kayta) Samuels, Senior, Early Childhood & Family Studies
- Mentors
- Gene Edgar, Education, university of washington
- Mary Clevenger-Bright, Education
Poster Session 1
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Do Listeners’ Perceptions of Confidence Relate to Self-Perceived Handicap in Spasmodic Dysphonia?
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #22
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Linnea Shea (Linnea) Xuereb, Senior, Speech & Hearing Sciences Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Tanya Eadie, Speech & Hearing Sciences
- Derek Isetti, Speech & Hearing Sciences
Poster Session 1
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The Challenge of Piracy Off the Horn of Africa: U.S. Policy in Dealing With Criminal Elements and Dangerous Non-State Actors
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #23
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenters
- Natalie M. (Natalie) Block, Senior, French, International Studies
- Erika Anne Maskal, Senior, International Studies, Law, Societies, & Justice
- David Joel La Boon, Senior, International Studies, French
- H. Jacqueline (HJ) Brehmer, Senior, International Studies
- Brittany Venicia Leaverton, Senior, International Studies
- Andrijana Rasevic (Andrijana) Valladares, Senior, International Studies
- Karl Joseph (Karl) Eckhardt, Senior, Business Administration (Finance), International Studies
- Seung Hee (Seung) Lee, Senior, International Studies, Economics
- Nacha (Poi) Udomsrirungruang, Senior, International Studies, Political Science
- Jeff Thomas (Jeff) Wheeler, Senior, International Studies
- Ashley Bullock, Senior, International Studies
- Mentor
- Frederick Lorenz, Jackson School of International Studies
Poster Session 1
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Writing for the Future
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #7
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Justin Grover, Senior, English, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Clyde Moneyhun, English, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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Aerodynamic Shear Measurement Using Liquid Crystal Coatings
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #153
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kenneth Moon Jun Low, Senior, Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Mentors
- Dana Dabiri, Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Gamal Khalil, Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Guo Shi Li, Aeronautics & Astronautics
Poster Session 1
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Prospective Mothers’ Awareness and Knowledge of Environmental Impacts Upon Pregnancy
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #125
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Amanda Vang, Senior, Community Health Science, Minnesota State University McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Judith Luebke, Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies, Minnesota State University
Poster Session 1
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Among Military Veterans
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #124
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Noor Salim, Senior, Community Health, Minnesota State University McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Judith Luebke, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Minnesota State University
Poster Session 1
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An Investigation into Early Intervention for Children with Moderate-to-Severe Motor Impairments and Delayed Expressive Communication
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #21
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kayla Seitz, Senior, Speech and Hearing Sci (Com Disorders)
- Mentor
- Patricia Dowden, Speech & Hearing Sciences
Poster Session 1
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A Study of the Availability of Multicultural Children's Literature in Treasure Valley Schools: Quality, Access, and Inclusion
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #6
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Maria (Maria Elena) Martinez, Senior, Bilingual Education, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Arturo Rodriguez, Education, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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Gene Repair for X-linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #114
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alex Teengdah Su, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- David Rawlings, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Gabrielle Curinga, Immunology, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Poster Session 1
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Understanding the Mechanistic Pathway of DLBCL
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #113
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Tamara Chinn, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- David Rawlings, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Blythe Sather, Immunology, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Poster Session 1
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Augmenting Porous Hydrogel Tissue Scaffolds
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #91
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Michelle Carrie (Michelle) Halpin, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Buddy Ratner, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering
Poster Session 1
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Sex Differences in Viral Evolutionary Trends Associated with the Progression of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #120
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alexandra (Alex) Taipale, Senior, Biochemistry Levinson Emerging Scholar
- Mentors
- James Mullins, Microbiology
- Brandon Maust, Microbiology
Poster Session 1
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Determination of the Ionization Rate of a Novel Plasma Pencil Atmospheric Mass Spectrometer
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #92
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Collin E Waterton, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Buddy Ratner, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering
- Jeanette Stein, Bioengineering
Poster Session 1
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Bacteria Fertilizing Poplar
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #163
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Josefina Narvaja, Senior, Environmental Science & Resource Management (Landscape Ecology & Conservation)
- Mentors
- Sharon Doty, Environmental & Forest Sciences
- Jenny Knoth, Environmental & Forest Sciences
Poster Session 1
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Factors Influencing Binge Eating Disorder
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #79
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Thomas (Tom) Weekes, Junior, Psychology, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Mary Pritchard, Psychology, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
- Other Psychology major students (71)
- Other Psychology mentored projects (49)
- Other students mentored by Mary Pritchard (2)
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Design and Evaluation of Learning Activities to Promote Deeper Student Understanding of Neurophysiology Concepts in an Online Anatomy and Physiology Course
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #54
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenters
- Fiona Everett, Junior, Biology, Sccc Inactive Code
- Nelly Nicklason, Junior, General Biology, Sccc Inactive Code
- Mentor
- Anna Davis, Biology, Seattle Central Community College
Poster Session 1
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Analysis of Self-Statements and Mood Disorders
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #81
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Robert DeVore, Senior, Psychology, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Mary Pritchard, Psychology, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
- Other Psychology major students (71)
- Other Psychology mentored projects (49)
- Other students mentored by Mary Pritchard (2)
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Protective Factors for Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #80
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Stevy Scarbrough, Fifth Year, Psychology, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Mary Pritchard, Psychology, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
- Other Psychology major students (71)
- Other Psychology mentored projects (49)
- Other students mentored by Mary Pritchard (2)
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EEG-based Neurofeedback as a Potential Treatment for Stuttering
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #19
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Minh Van Trinh, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Ludo Max, Speech & Hearing Sciences
Poster Session 1
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PositiveMagnetism: A Web-Supported HIV Disclosure Service
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #134
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenters
- Matthew Hicks, Senior, Informatics (Human-Computer Interaction), Comparative History of Ideas
- Irene Frances (Irene) Barber, Senior, Informatics (Human-Computer Interaction)
- Daniel Trager, Senior, Informatics
- Mentor
- Wanda Pratt, The Information School
Poster Session 1
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Evaluating Exclusion Zone Formation Using Metals
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #99
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Shiv Bhandari, Junior, Extended Pre-Major Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Gerald H. Pollack, Bioengineering
Poster Session 1
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Effect of Audible Sound Energy on the Water Exclusion Zone
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #100
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Daniel Chiang, Senior, Bioengineering
- Mentor
- Gerald H. Pollack, Bioengineering
Poster Session 1
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Isolating Novel Yeast Species to Increase Biofuel Efficiency
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #161
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Hannah Morrison, Senior, Environmental Science & Resource Management
- Mentors
- Sharon Doty, Environmental & Forest Sciences
- Zareen Khan, Environmental & Forest Sciences
Poster Session 1
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Intimate Relationships Under Minor Stressful Situations and Support
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #82
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Elsira Gramajo, Senior, Psychology, Boise State Univ McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Kimberly McAdams, Psychology, Boise State University
Poster Session 1
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Quality Control Assay for DNase I-seq
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #50
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ismail Jatta, Senior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Alessandra Oddone Sullivan, Genome Sciences
- Christine Queitsch, Genome Sciences
- Carol Sibley, Genome Sciences
Poster Session 1
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Lake Sediment Organic Geochemistry as an Indicator of Past Environmental Change on Isabela Island, Galapagos
Poster Session 1MGH 241
Easel #175
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ariel Mei (Ariel) Townsend, Sophomore, Oceanography
- Mentors
- Daniel Nelson, Oceanography
- Julian Sachs, Oceanography
Poster Session 1
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Dance as a Medium for the Maintenance and Transmission of Culture: An Ethnography of Khmer Classical Dance in Long Beach, California
Poster Session 1Commons West
Easel #34
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alexxandra (Alexx) Salazar, Junior, Anthropology, California State University, Dominguez Hills McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Susan Needham, Anthropology, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Poster Session 1
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Anatomical Characterization of Genetically-Identified Neuron Populations in Drosophila
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #44
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenters
- Ainul Huda, Junior, Biology (General)
- Samantha Ann (Sami) Williams, Junior, Pre-Nursing
- Mentor
- Michael Dickinson, Biology
Poster Session 1
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Time-Specific Analyses of EEG Activity and Self-Reported Pain Levels for Individuals with Chronic Pain
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #65
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Amy De Kock, Senior, Psychology
- Mentors
- Jon Howe, Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience
- Jaime Diaz, Psychology
- Mark Jensen, Rehabilitation Medicine
Poster Session 1
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Inhibition of the uPA/Plasminogen Pathway and Prevention of Atherosclerosis Progression
Poster Session 1Balcony
Easel #112
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jingwan Zhang, Senior, Biochemistry, Chemistry
- Mentor
- David Dichek, Medicine
Poster Session 1
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The Effects of Light on Grass Epidermal Cell Shape
Poster Session 1Commons East
Easel #59
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
- Presenter
- Thien-Y Le, Senior, Biology (Plant), Mathematics Howard Hughes Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Caroline Strömberg, Biology
- Regan Dunn, Biology
Poster Session 1
Oral Presentation 1
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
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Will Pacific Salmon Still Be Here in 2100? Evolutionary Potential of Columbia River Chinook to Keep Pace With Climate Change
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Sheila Renee (Sheila) Thomas, Senior, Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Conservation) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Daniel Schindler, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies
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Increased Interactions with Fisheries? Return of the Short-tailed Albatross
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Anne (Annie) Johns, Senior, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Mentors
- Julia Parrish, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Jane Dolliver, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Shannon Fitzgerald, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies
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Living with Wildlife: A Comparative Study of Human Attitudes and Actions Towards Wildlife in the San Juan Islands, Washington
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Tory Johnson, Senior, Environmental Studies
- Mentor
- P. Sean McDonald, Program on the Environment
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies
- Other Program on the Environment mentored projects (3)
- Other students mentored by P. Sean McDonald (3)
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Monitoring Strategies for Adaptive Management in Marine Spatial Planning
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Hannah Lorraine (Hannah) Linder, Senior, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Mentor
- Miles Logsdon, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
Session 1A: Searching for Sustainability: Human-Environment Interactions and Potential Management Strategies
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Enhancing the Maturation of Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes via Mechanical and Nanoscale Topographical Properties of the Substrate
Session 1B: Bioengineering and Biomechanics 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Nicole E. (Nicole) Trosper, Junior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Alex Jiao, Bioengineering
- Deok-Ho Kim, Bioengineering
Session 1B: Bioengineering and Biomechanics
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Understanding Residual Limb Volume Fluctuations In Trans-Tibial Amputees Over Time
Session 1B: Bioengineering and Biomechanics 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Krittika Joannah (Krittika) D'silva, Freshman, Pre Engineering
- Mentor
- Joan Sanders, Bioengineering
Session 1B: Bioengineering and Biomechanics
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Engineering Troponin C to Affect Cardiac Muscle Cell Contraction
Session 1B: Bioengineering and Biomechanics 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Rona Ding, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Michael Regnier, Bioengineering
- Dan Wang, Bioengineering
Session 1B: Bioengineering and Biomechanics
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Can Autistics Redefine Autism? The Cultural Politics of Autistic Activism
Session 1D: An Examination of the Effectiveness of Programs Aimed at Improving Social Outcomes 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ronnie Thibault, Junior, Interdisciplinary Studies (SEB) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Benjamin Gardner, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus)
Session 1D: An Examination of the Effectiveness of Programs Aimed at Improving Social Outcomes
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A Promise of Democracy: Lessons from Latino Underrepresentation in Washington State
Session 1D: An Examination of the Effectiveness of Programs Aimed at Improving Social Outcomes 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Seth Dawson, Senior, Politics, Philosophy, Whitman College
- Mentor
- Paul Apostolidis, Political Science, Whitman College
Session 1D: An Examination of the Effectiveness of Programs Aimed at Improving Social Outcomes
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An Integrated Hardware-Software Approach to Quantify the Speech Production System's Ability to Learn Movements with Novel Motor-to-Sensory Transformations
Session 1E: Behavioral and Neural Adaptation 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kwang S (Kwang) Kim, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee, Washington Research Foundation Fellow
- Mentor
- Ludo Max, Speech & Hearing Sciences
Session 1E: Behavioral and Neural Adaptation
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Loci of Stuttering in Acquired Neurogenic Versus Developmental Stuttering
Session 1E: Behavioral and Neural Adaptation 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Mahrukh Kadri, Senior, Individualized Studies, Biology (Physiology) Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentor
- Ludo Max, Speech & Hearing Sciences
Session 1E: Behavioral and Neural Adaptation
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Sensorimotor Adaptation in Speech Production: Timing and Extent of Auditory Feedback Alterations
Session 1E: Behavioral and Neural Adaptation 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Derek Gideon (Derek) Maffett, Junior, Speech and Hearing Sci (Com Disorders) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Ludo Max, Speech & Hearing Sciences
Session 1E: Behavioral and Neural Adaptation
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Invasive Holly in a Pacific Northwest Forest: Effects on Native Vegetation
Session 1F: It Isn't Easy Being Green 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Elliott Church, Senior, Environmental Studies (Bothell), Global Studies (Bothell)
- Mentor
- David Stokes, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus), University of Washington Bothell
Session 1F: It Isn't Easy Being Green
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Fungal Endophytes of the Invasive Wetland Reed, Phragmites australis
Session 1F: It Isn't Easy Being Green 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Monika Fischer, Senior, Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Conservation) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Rusty Rodriguez, Biology, Adaptive Symbiotic Technologies
Session 1F: It Isn't Easy Being Green
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The Montparnasse Tower: Paris’s One and Only Skyscraper, and Its American Developer
Session 1G: A Panoramic Look at Art: From Cartoons and Alleyways to Skylines and Street Views, and from Dust and Clay to Golden Haloes and Recursive Patterns 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Robert Zhao, Senior, Business Administration (Finance), Business Administration (Information Systems)
- Mentor
- Meredith Clausen, Architecture
Session 1G: A Panoramic Look at Art: From Cartoons and Alleyways to Skylines and Street Views, and from Dust and Clay to Golden Haloes and Recursive Patterns
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Literature in the Common Core State Standards: A Critique
Session 1I: Innovations in Teaching and Learning 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Melanya Sophia (Melanya) Materne, Senior, English
- Mentor
- Candice Rai, English
Session 1I: Innovations in Teaching and Learning
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Preschool Intervention and the Resilience of Underprivileged Children
Session 1I: Innovations in Teaching and Learning 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Remi Torres, Senior, Early Childhood & Family Studies Zesbaugh Scholar
- Mentors
- Todd Herrenkohl, Social Work/Public Health
- Gail Joseph, Education
Session 1I: Innovations in Teaching and Learning
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Exploring the International Student Experience: Improving the University's Response to a Changing Student Population
Session 1I: Innovations in Teaching and Learning 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenters
- Karl Joseph (Karl) Eckhardt, Senior, Business Administration (Finance), International Studies
- Bianca Shi, Junior, Business Administration (Finance) UW Honors Program
- Kerry Lam, Junior, Computer Science
- Stephanie Whitney, Senior, English
- Ronald (Ron) Keller, Junior, Philosophy
- Erica Pierson Petru, Senior, International Studies, Environmental Science & Resource Management
- Mentors
- Olivia Kenney, English, Odegaard Writing & Research Center
- Camille Dodson, English, Odegaard Writing & Research Center
Session 1I: Innovations in Teaching and Learning
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"He is Hope for the Wretched, the Salvation of the Desperate:" Miracles of Justice in Reginald of Durham’s Libellus de Admirandis Beati Cuthberti Virtutibus
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Elizabeth (Beth) Hasseler, Senior, History
- Mentor
- Ileana Rodriguez-Silva, History
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community
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Merchants and Pirates: How the Hanseatic League's Founding Principles Shaped its Conflicts with England
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jonah Bomgaars, Senior, History
- Mentors
- Charity Urbanski, History
- Ileana Rodriguez-Silva, History
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community
- Other History mentored projects (13)
- Other students mentored by Charity Urbanski (1)
- Other students mentored by Ileana Rodriguez-Silva (9)
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Newbook: The Iraq Diaries and Publishing Original Sources in a Digital World
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenters
- Margaret Kathleen (Meg) Ainsley, Senior, Social Sciences, Evening Degree Program
- Kayhan Aryan (Kayhan) Nejad, Junior, History Mary Gates Scholar
- Ariella Mihi (Ariella) Fish, Junior, International Studies
- Mentor
- Walter Andrews, Anthropology, Near Eastern Languages & Civilization
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community
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Concerning History in Philosophy of Science
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ian Chase, Senior, History, Philosophy, History & Philosophy of Science Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Andrea Woody, Philosophy
Session 1J: The Politics of Practice: Historical, Philosophical, and Methodological Reflections on Conflict and Community
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The Ideal Farmland Protection Program and the State of Farmland Preservation in the Puget Sound Basin
Session 1K: Environmental Activism/Environmental Research in the Pacific Northwest 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Anshika Kumar, Senior, Economics, Environmental Studies
- Mentor
- P. Sean McDonald, Program on the Environment
Session 1K: Environmental Activism/Environmental Research in the Pacific Northwest
- Other Program on the Environment mentored projects (3)
- Other students mentored by P. Sean McDonald (3)
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Does Disruption of Sleep Impact Cytokine Levels?
Session 1L: McNair Session - From Physics to Behavioral Neurobiology 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Vicky Herrera, Senior, Biology (General) Amgen Scholar, EIP Scholar, Mary Gates Scholar, Presidential Scholar, McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Horacio de la Iglesia, Biology
Session 1L: McNair Session - From Physics to Behavioral Neurobiology
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Multiple Exciton Generation in Germanium Nanoparticles
Session 1L: McNair Session - From Physics to Behavioral Neurobiology 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Michael Ford, Senior, Chemistry, University of California, Davis McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Delmar Larsen, Chemistry, University of California, Davis
Session 1L: McNair Session - From Physics to Behavioral Neurobiology
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The Happiness Variable
Session 1M: Qualitative Research in Assessing Health and Wellbeing 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jack Clearman, Senior, Psychology
- Mentor
- David Barash, Psychology
Session 1M: Qualitative Research in Assessing Health and Wellbeing
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CARICOM: Economic Benefits and Effects of Neocolonialism in the West Indies
Session 1M: Qualitative Research in Assessing Health and Wellbeing 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Cecelia Sanchez, Senior, American Ethnic Studies
- Mentors
- Melanie Hernandez, English
- Andrea Griggs, Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity
Session 1M: Qualitative Research in Assessing Health and Wellbeing
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Mars Hill: An Ethnography of the Other
Session 1M: Qualitative Research in Assessing Health and Wellbeing 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Scout (Hanna) Mc Fall, Senior, Comparative Religion, Community, Environment, & Planning
- Mentor
- Clarke Speed, Anthropology
Session 1M: Qualitative Research in Assessing Health and Wellbeing
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Environmental Justice at the Hanford Nuclear Waste Site:
Utilizing Local Knowledge Systems to Transform Risk Science and Management
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
- Presenter
- Jacinta Heath, Senior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth EIP Scholar, McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Devon Pena, American Ethnic Studies, Anthropology, Program on the Environment
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present
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Love and Marriage in Black and White: Mixed Marriage in the Black Press during the 1960s
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
- Presenter
- Janelle Lena (Janelle) White, Junior, American Ethnic Studies, English (Creative Writing) McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Terry Anne Scott, American Ethnic Studies
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present
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Poetry of the Rafidin Valley: Iraqi Poetry in the Twentieth Century (1900-1940)
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
- Presenter
- Fawziah Hussein (Fawziah) Al Hlaly, Senior, Near Eastern Studies (Languages & Civilization) Presidential Scholar
- Mentor
- Terri DeYoung, Near Eastern Languages & Civilization
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present
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Cultural Transmission through Dancehall Music
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
- Presenter
- Julia Ruble, Junior, Anthropology, University of California, Davis Presidential Scholar
- Mentor
- Wale Adebanwi, African Studies, University of California, Davis
Session 1N: McNair Session - Culture Shifts, Social Change, Social Movements: Past and Present
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Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Spot Assay Testing Canine Immune Response to Platelet Tranfusion
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Michael Shapiro, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentors
- Todd Christoffel, Medicine
- Sherrill Slichter, , Puget Sound Blood Center
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering
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Diagnostics Using Two Dimensional Paper Networks
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Lucas (Luke) Allpress, Senior, Bioengineering NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Paul Yager, Bioengineering
- Gina Fridley, Bioengineering
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering
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Online Quantification of Dynamic Mechanical Properties of In Vivo Soft Tissue for Use in Robotic Surgery
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Andrew John (Andrew) Hill, Senior, Bioengineering
- Mentors
- Howard Chizeck, Electrical Engineering
- Blake Hannaford, Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering
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Reversible Tissue Adhesives: A Medical Application Inspired by Geckos and E. coli
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Nichole Sahar (Nichole) Tyler, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Wendy Thomas, Bioengineering
- Victoria Rodriguez, Bioengineering
Session 1O: Biochemical, Molecular, and Biomedical Engineering
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A Congress of Inaction: How Interest Groups and Coalitions are Preventing Action Toward Solving the Crisis of Debt, Deficit, and Unfunded Liabilities in the United States
Session 1P: Interests, Organizations, and Political Reform 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Scott Hodges, Senior, Economics, Mathematics (Philosophy), Political Science
- Mentors
- Rebecca Thorpe, Political Science
- Victor Menaldo, Political Science
Session 1P: Interests, Organizations, and Political Reform
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Social Cohesion, Poverty, and the Middle Classes: Examining Sites of Encounter & Zones of Governance
Session 1P: Interests, Organizations, and Political Reform 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Helen Elizabeth Olsen, Junior, Geography, Individualized Studies Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Victoria Lawson, Geography
- Sarah Elwood, Geography
Session 1P: Interests, Organizations, and Political Reform
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Industrial Unionism for the 21st Century: Transnational Labor Solidarity and Organizing in North America
Session 1P: Interests, Organizations, and Political Reform 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Leo Baunach, Junior, International Studies
- Mentor
- Ileana Rodriguez-Silva, History
Session 1P: Interests, Organizations, and Political Reform
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Activity in Equal-Mass M Dwarf Wide Binaries
Session 1Q: Adventures in Astronomy 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Heather Gunning, Senior, Astronomy, Physics
- Mentors
- Sarah Schmidt, Astronomy
- James Davenport, Astronomy
- Suzanne Hawley, Astronomy
Session 1Q: Adventures in Astronomy
- Other Astronomy mentored projects (16)
- Other students mentored by James Davenport (1)
- Other students mentored by Suzanne Hawley (1)
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Lightcurves of Transiting Exoplanets
Session 1Q: Adventures in Astronomy 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenters
- John Mehlhaff, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Nancy Helen (Nancy) Thomas, Junior, Astronomy, Physics Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee, UW Honors Program
- Christopher Martin, Junior, Astronomy, Physics
- Mentors
- Eric Agol, Astronomy
- Andrew Becker, Astronomy
- Praveen Kundurthy, Astronomy
Session 1Q: Adventures in Astronomy
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Supernova Remnant Progenitor Masses in M31 and M33
Session 1Q: Adventures in Astronomy 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Zach Jennings, Senior, Physics, Astronomy Mary Gates Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Julianne Dalcanton, Astronomy
- Benjamin Williams, Astronomy
Session 1Q: Adventures in Astronomy
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Characterization of Inferior Olivary Synaptic Inputs to Purkinje Neurons in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 Mice
Session 1R: Strategies in Brain Research 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kt Nguyen, Senior, Neurobiology, Biology (Physiology) Howard Hughes Scholar
- Mentors
- Gwenn Garden, Neurology
- Travis Baughan, Neurology
Session 1R: Strategies in Brain Research
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Investigating the Impact of Mutant Presenilin 2 on Mitochondrial Function in Neurons
Session 1R: Strategies in Brain Research 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Galen Pizzorno, Senior, Biochemistry, Neurobiology Amgen Scholar, Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Gwenn Garden, Neurology
- Suman Jayadev, Neurology
Session 1R: Strategies in Brain Research
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Learning by Amphetamine-Sensitized Mice
Session 1R: Strategies in Brain Research 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kiara C. (Kiara) Eldred, Senior, Environmental Studies, Biochemistry
- Mentor
- Richard Palmiter, Biochemistry
Session 1R: Strategies in Brain Research
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High Resolution Temporal Profiling of Phosphorylation Mediated Cell Cycle Regulation
Session 1S: Structure-Function Analyses of Chromosomal Elements 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Joanne Ino (Joanne) Hsu, Junior, Neurobiology
- Mentors
- Judit Villen, Genome Sciences
- Danielle Swaney, Genome Sciences
Session 1S: Structure-Function Analyses of Chromosomal Elements
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F Plasmid Conjugation in Escherichia coli Requires Cell-to-Cell Contact
Session 1S: Structure-Function Analyses of Chromosomal Elements 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Stephanie Wang, Senior, Biochemistry, Microbiology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Beth Traxler, Microbiology
- Paul Wiggins, Bioengineering
- Nathan Kuwada, Bioengineering, Microbiology, Physics
Session 1S: Structure-Function Analyses of Chromosomal Elements
- Other Microbiology mentored projects (16)
- Other students mentored by Paul Wiggins (4)
- Other students mentored by Nathan Kuwada (2)
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DNA Double-Strand-Break Hotspots and Speciation
Session 1S: Structure-Function Analyses of Chromosomal Elements 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jiwon Yeo, Junior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Harmit Malik, Genome Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Sarah Zanders, Genome Sciences
Session 1S: Structure-Function Analyses of Chromosomal Elements
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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: The Impact of Histone Methylation on Reprogramming
Session 1T: Molecular and Cellular Biology 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Akiko Carver, Junior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- David Hawkins, Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Jo Ling Liao, Medicine
Session 1T: Molecular and Cellular Biology
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The Electrostatics of Ubiquitin and its Role in Ubiquitin Ligase Activity
Session 1T: Molecular and Cellular Biology 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Matthew S Novack, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Rachel Klevit, Biochemistry
- Jonathan Pruneda, Biochemistry
Session 1T: Molecular and Cellular Biology
Poster Presentation 2
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
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Reinstatement of Ad Libitum Feeding After Long-Term Calorie Restriction Increases TOR Signaling in Rats
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #55
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Elroy An, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental), Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
- Fresnida Ramos, Pathology
Poster Session 2
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Training Manual to Provide Culturally Competent Care for Somali Women Immigrants
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #87
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Sakuna Thongchanh, Fifth Year, Nursing
- Mentors
- Cynthia Price, Biobehavioral Nursing & Health Systems
- Nancy Woods, Biobehavioral Nursing & Health Systems
Poster Session 2
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Design of a Nanoparticle Formulation as a Vehicle for HIV Vaccine Delivery
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #66
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Deep Ketan Hathi, Senior, Bioengineering, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Kim A. Woodrow, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
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Lipid-Encapsulated Hydrogel Nanoparticles as a Vehicle for Mucosal Delivery of Anti-HIV Drugs
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #65
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Reena Mahadevan, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Kim A. Woodrow, Bioengineering
- Renuka Ramanathan, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
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Work Towards Complexes of Rhodium and Iridium for C-H Activation
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #22
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alex MacRae, Senior, Chemistry (ACS Certified) NASA Space Grant Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Karen Goldberg, Chemistry
- Kate Allen, Chemistry
Poster Session 2
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Polymer Supported Lipid-Bilayer Virus-Like Particles for HIV Vaccine Design
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #67
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Nathan Chandler (Nathan) Egge, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Kim A. Woodrow, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
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Encapsulation of Recombinant Human 293T Cells Producing HIV Gag-GFP in Alginate Poly-L-Lysine Alginate Microbeads
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #68
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Hunter R. (Hunter) Bennett, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Kim A. Woodrow, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
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Development of Thermal Sensor Strings for Glacial Deployment
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #132
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Patrick Ma, Junior, Pre Engineering NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Dale Winebrenner, Applied Physics Laboratory
- W. T. Elam, Applied Physics Laboratory
Poster Session 2
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MRI Measurement for In Silico Modelling of Glioma Growth
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #52
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jacob Gile, Junior, Extended Pre-Major
- Mentors
- Kristin Swanson, Applied Mathematics, Pathology
- Russell Rockne, Applied Mathematics, Pathology
- Anne Baldock, Neurobiology
Poster Session 2
- Other Pathology mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Kristin Swanson (1)
- Other students mentored by Russell Rockne (2)
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Effect of State of Residence on Health Measures in Nigeria
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #97
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Chika Okeoma (Chika) Ugwoaba, Senior, Sociology
- Mentors
- Daniel Chirot, Jackson School of International Studies, Sociology
- Lowell Hargens, Sociology
Poster Session 2
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Identifying Mutations in the TBX3 Gene that Cause Ulnar Mammary Syndrome
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #85
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Weiyi Li, Senior, Biochemistry NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Mike Bamshad, Pediatrics
- Heidi Gildersleeve, Genetics, Pediatrics
Poster Session 2
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Characterization of Photoswitchable DNA-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #15
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Angela Rae (Angela) Hess, Senior, Computer Science, Chemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- David Ginger, Chemistry
Poster Session 2
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The Effects of Gradient on Clast-Size Based Sorting in Mountain Stream Pools
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #136
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Dan Scott, Junior, Earth & Space Sciences Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- David Montgomery, Earth & Space Sciences
Poster Session 2
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Comparing Ancestry Estimations from Y Chromosome, Mitochondrial DNA, and Autosomal Loci
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #84
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kevin Matthew (Kevin) Magnaye, Sophomore, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentor
- Mike Bamshad, Pediatrics
Poster Session 2
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Integrity of Steel Gravity Framing Systems
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #158
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Scott Martin Tetzlaff, Senior, Civil Engineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Jeffrey Berman, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Jonathan Weigand, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 2
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Immunization Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using a Nanoparticle Vaccine Platform
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #69
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Cynthia Njeri (Cynthia) Wainaina, Senior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth, Biology (Physiology) Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentor
- Kevin Urdahl, Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
Poster Session 2
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Needle in the Haystack: Genetic Encoding of Proliferation and Migration Rates of Glioblastoma Tumor Cells
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #51
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kellie Stacy Fontes, Senior, Applied & Computational Mathematical Sciences (Engineering & Physical)
- Mentors
- Kristin Swanson, Applied Mathematics, Pathology
- Andrew Trister, Radiation Oncology
- Russell Rockne, Applied Mathematics, Pathology
Poster Session 2
- Other Pathology mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Kristin Swanson (1)
- Other students mentored by Russell Rockne (2)
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Theories of Socialist Imperialism in the German Social Democratic Party, 1875-1918
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #5
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Marc Cameron Horan Spatz, Senior, History
- Mentors
- Ileana Rodriguez-Silva, History
- Raymond Jonas, History
Poster Session 2
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Biological Collision Avoidance Algorithm
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #165
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Katherine Midkiff, Freshman, Pre Engineering
- Mentors
- Kristi Morgansen, Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Beth Boardman, Aeronautics & Astronautics
Poster Session 2
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The Developmental Trajectory of Motor Imitation and Later Associations to ASD Outcome and Language in At-Risk Infants
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #122
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Rikki Rachelle Mae (Rikki-Rachelle) Hinz, Senior, Early Childhood & Family Studies
- Mentors
- Wendy Stone, Psychology
- Lisa Ibanez, Psychology
Poster Session 2
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Organizing "The S.P.O.T.": Negotiating and Intervening in the Production of Student Space
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #95
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Erich Christopher (Erich) Freywald, Senior, Society, Ethics, & Human Behavior (Bthl)
- Mentor
- Benjamin Gardner, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus)
Poster Session 2
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Effects of Hyaluronan Hydrogels with Surface Nanostructures on Dental Pulp Stem Cell Regulation
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #82
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Cameron Lee (Cameron) Nemeth, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Deok-Ho Kim, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
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Does Where You Live Determine Your Size?
A Comparison of Trait Size Among Magellanic Penguin Colonies
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #35
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Johannah Verhulst, Senior, Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Conservation) NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Dee Boersma, Biology
- Ginger Rebstock, Biology
Poster Session 2
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Role of Hepatic Lipase in Obesity and Atherosclerosis
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #75
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Lisa Phuong Anh (Lisa) Nguyen, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentor
- Helen Dichek, Pediatrics
Poster Session 2
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Optimal Resource Allocation in Wave Propagation and the Subgradient Marching Algorithm
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #171
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Palma Alise Den Nijs (Palma) London, Junior, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering
- Mentors
- Maryam Fazel, Electrical Engineering
- De Meng, Electrical Engineering
Poster Session 2
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Mechanochemical Activation of Small Ring Cyclopolymers
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #9
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Gedion Yitref, Senior, Chemistry Amgen Scholar
- Mentor
- AJ Boydston, Chemistry
Poster Session 2
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Mn Doped CdSe/CdS Tetrapod Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #14
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Christian Erickson, Senior, Chemistry
- Mentors
- Daniel Gamelin, Chemistry
- Vladimir Vlaskin, Chemistry
Poster Session 2
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Shear and Flexural Response in Varying Structural Earthbag Configurations
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #160
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Corina Andreea (Corina) Popescu, Senior, Civil Engineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- John Stanton, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Travis Corigliano, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Ryan Scott, Business Administration
Poster Session 2
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Latent Heat
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #134
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Steven Joel (Steven) Brey, Senior, Atmospheric Sciences
- Mentor
- Dargan Frierson, Atmospheric Sciences
Poster Session 2
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Evaluating the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Decline of Quaking Aspen, Populous tremuloides, in Lassen Volcanic National Park
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #152
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Hannah Rebecca (Hannah) Blackstock, Senior, Environmental Science & Resource Management, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Mentors
- Joshua Lawler, Environmental Science
- Gordon Bradley, Environmental & Forest Sciences
Poster Session 2
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Taxonomic Diversity of Oligo-Miocene Gophers (Mammalia: Rodentia: Geomyidae: Entoptychinae) using Geometric Morphometrics
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #31
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jennifer Glusman, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Mentors
- Gregory Wilson Mantilla, Biology
- Jonathan Calede, Biology
Poster Session 2
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Sexual Behavior of the Male Macaca fascicularis as a Function of Dominance
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #121
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Shiva Nath (Shiva) Das, Senior, Psychology
- Mentor
- Randall Kyes, Global Health, Psychology
Poster Session 2
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Evaluating Stacked Socks for Enhanced Socket Fit
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #72
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alan Jinsoo Yu, Sophomore, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Joan Sanders, Bioengineering
- John Cagle, Bioengineering
Poster Session 2
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Yeast Strains that Die in a Budded State Live Shorter Lives than Their Unbudded Counterpart
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #23
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenters
- Hillary Miller, Senior, Biology (Physiology)
- Jessica May (Jessica) Hui, Sophomore, Center for Study of Capable Youth
- Mentors
- Joe Delaney, Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Daniel Carr, Pathology
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
Poster Session 2
- Other Molecular & Cellular Biology mentored projects (3)
- Other students mentored by Joe Delaney (2)
- Other students mentored by Matt Kaeberlein (13)
Add to my favorites
The Identification of Off-target Enzymes Associated With Inhibition of Calcium Dependent Protein Kinase 1 in Toxoplasma gondii
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #50
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Molly Reid, Senior, Anthropology: Medical Anth & Global Hlth
- Mentor
- Kayode Ojo, Medicine
Poster Session 2
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Ink Jet Printing of Self-Assembled Maleic Chitosan Nanofibers
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #168
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Simeiqi He, Junior, Exchange - Engineering
- Mentors
- Marco Rolandi, Materials Science & Engineering
- Hideki Sato, Materials Science & Engineering
Poster Session 2
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The Struggle to Control the Story of the Everett Massacre
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #43
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Matthew P. (Matthew) Anderson, Senior, History Zesbaugh Scholar
- Mentors
- James Gregory, History
- Ileana Rodriguez-Silva, History
Poster Session 2
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Precipitation of CMIP5 Simulations Analysis
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #135
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Weikun Hu, Junior, Mathematics (Comprehensive), Statistics
- Mentor
- Dargan Frierson, Atmospheric Sciences
Poster Session 2
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The 'Constant Victim': The Transformation of Serbian Identity and Nationalism from 1980-86
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #6
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alyson Elizabeth (Alyson) Singh, Senior, History, International Studies
- Mentor
- Ileana Rodriguez-Silva, History
Poster Session 2
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Robin Hood, Poaching, & Non-Noble Perceptions of Forest Law in Medieval England
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #3
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Erik Adam (Erik) Scheer, Senior, History
- Mentors
- Charity Urbanski, History
- Ileana Rodriguez-Silva, History
Poster Session 2
- Other History mentored projects (13)
- Other students mentored by Charity Urbanski (1)
- Other students mentored by Ileana Rodriguez-Silva (9)
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The Tissue Specific Role of the Hypoxic Response in Modulating Aging in C. elegans
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #62
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Pranav Venkataraman, Senior, Bioengineering Howard Hughes Scholar
- Mentors
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
- Scott Leiser, Pathology
Poster Session 2
- Other Pathology mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Matt Kaeberlein (13)
- Other students mentored by Scott Leiser (2)
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Understanding the Function of gpFI in Lambda Virus Assembly
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #44
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Angelo Condulle, Fifth Year, Postbaccalaureate Study
- Mentor
- Angelo Condulle, Medicinal Chemistry
Poster Session 2
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The Effects of Climate Change on Establishment Rates and Altitudinal Advance on Two Treeline Conifers
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #27
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- David Scott (David) Thompson, Senior, Biology (General), Psychology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, Biology
- Melanie Harsch, Biology
- Kevin Ford, Biology
Poster Session 2
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Tidal Transport of PCBs in the Duwamish River
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #153
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Hannah Kathleen (Hannah) Snow, Junior, Oceanography, Civil Engineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Michael Dodd, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Other Civil and Environmental Engineering mentored projects (19)
- Other students mentored by Michael Dodd (4)
Add to my favorites
Alexandrium spp. Cyst Enumeration in Sediment Cores Using a Combination of Density Gradient Centrifugation and Rapid Flow Cytometry
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #146
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Samuel Joseph (Sam) Fletcher, Senior, Oceanography Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Evelyn Lessard, Oceanography
- Kirsten Feifel, Oceanography
Poster Session 2
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Spherical Projections for the Artistically Inclined: Taking Complete Advantage of Fulldome Spaces
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #8
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Gaelen Sayres, Senior, Digital Arts & Experimental Media
- Mentors
- Andrew Connolly, Astronomy
- James Coupe, Digital Arts & Experimental Media
Poster Session 2
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Characterizing YejM, an Enzyme Critical for the Salmonella PhoPQ-regulated Outer Membrane Permeability Barrier
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #38
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Mauna Emilyn Borja (Mauna) Edrozo, Senior, Microbiology NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Samuel Miller, Genome Sciences, Immunology, Microbiology
- Zachary Dalebroux, Microbiology
Poster Session 2
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Photolysis Rate of Chlorine under Sunlight in Photochemically-Enhanced Disinfection
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #175
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Quanxin (Nina) Mao, Senior, Civil Engineering
- Mentor
- Michael Dodd, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Other Civil and Environmental Engineering mentored projects (19)
- Other students mentored by Michael Dodd (4)
Add to my favorites
Is SPATULA Required for Brassinosteroid Pathway During Growth in Arapbidopsis?
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #71
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Keng-Min (Danny) Liang, Junior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Jodi Lilley, Biology
- Jennifer Nemhauser, Biology
Poster Session 2
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Bleaching in Colloidal Cobalt-Doped Zinc Selenide Quantum Dots
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #18
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Arin Greenwood, Junior, Chemistry (ACS Certified) NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentor
- Jillian Dempsey, Chemistry
Poster Session 2
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UW iGEM 2011 Make It or Break It: Diesel Production and Gluten Destruction, the Synthetic Biology Way
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #70
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenters
- David Mao Zong, Junior, Bioengineering
- Benjamin Ethan (Benjamin) Mo, Junior, Pre-Major
- Liz Shepherd, Senior, Microbiology Mary Gates Scholar, Washington Research Foundation Fellow
- Rashmi Ravichandran, Senior, Microbiology
- Daniel Armon (Daniel) Hadidi, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Mentors
- Justin Siegel, Biochemistry
- Eric Klavins, Electrical Engineering
- Justin Siegel, Biochemistry
- Ingrid Pultz, Microbiology
Poster Session 2
- Other Biochemistry mentored projects (16)
- Other students mentored by Justin Siegel (3)
- Other students mentored by Eric Klavins (4)
- Other students mentored by Justin Siegel (3)
- Other students mentored by Ingrid Pultz (1)
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Cadmium Adsorption to Bacterial Spores
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #138
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Mikaela Hertel, Junior, Mathematics (Comprehensive) NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Drew Gorman-Lewis, Earth & Space Sciences
- Zoe Harrold, Earth & Space Sciences
Poster Session 2
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The Effect of Dietary Restriction and pH Neutralization on the Reduction of Replicative Lifespan following Chronological Aging in Yeast
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #59
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenters
- Winston Lo, Senior, Biochemistry
- Ki Soo (Ki-Soo) Jeong, Senior, Biochemistry
- Jin (Jillian) Kim, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
- Joe Delaney, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Pathology
Poster Session 2
- Other Pathology mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Matt Kaeberlein (13)
- Other students mentored by Joe Delaney (2)
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Birth, Death, and Replacement of Karyopherins in Drosophila
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #30
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Emily Hsieh, Senior, Biochemistry, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Harmit Malik, Genome Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Nitin Phadnis, , Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Poster Session 2
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Exploring Ultra-Stable Polymer Glass Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #159
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Allen Wong, Senior, Chemical Engineering
- Mentor
- Jim Pfaendtner, Chemical Engineering
Poster Session 2
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Deactivation and Degradation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Wastewater Disinfection Processes
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #173
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Shu Li, Junior, Exchange - Engineering
- Mentor
- Michael Dodd, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Other Civil and Environmental Engineering mentored projects (19)
- Other students mentored by Michael Dodd (4)
Add to my favorites
A Man Without a Dream is Nothing but a Creature: (Staged) Authenticity and Indigenous Representation at Tillicum Village
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #94
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Sabine Elizabeth (Sabine) Parrish, Senior, Anthropology
- Mentors
- Miriam Kahn, Anthropology
- Devon Pena, Anthropology
Poster Session 2
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Environmental Stewardship, Social Equity, and Corporate Profitability: Siblings or Strangers?
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #137
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Daniel Arthur (Dan) Schafer, Senior, Environmental Science & Resource Management
- Mentor
- Dorothy Paun, Environmental Management Program
Poster Session 2
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Dietary Data Recorder System
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #154
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Eric Philip (Eric) Pepin, Senior, Electrical Engineering Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Alexander Mamishev, Electrical Engineering
- Junqing Shang, Electrical Engineering
Poster Session 2
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Plastid Transformation Vectors
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #34
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Andrey V. (Andrey) Lepekhin, Junior, Biology (General)
- Mentor
- Delene Oldenburg, Biology
Poster Session 2
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Evolutionarily Derived Variation in Pigment Pattern Boundary Forming Mechanisms
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #36
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Hannah Elisabeth (Hannah) Majeski, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentor
- David Parichy, Biology
Poster Session 2
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Using Motion Sensors to Proactively Manage Health
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #89
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Alexander Evan (Alex) Constant, Sophomore, Pre-Health Sciences
- Mentors
- George Demiris, Biobehavioral Nursing & Health Systems
- Hilaire Thompson, Biobehavioral Nursing & Health Systems
Poster Session 2
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Caregiver Sensitivity and the Duration of a Child's Disengagement Cues
Poster Session 2Balcony
Easel #93
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Colleen McCorkell, Senior, Nursing
- Mentor
- Monica Oxford, Family and Child Nursing
Poster Session 2
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The Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Phaseolus vulgaris and Pisum sativum
Poster Session 2Commons West
Easel #32
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenters
- Katie (Kate) Jenks, Junior, Biology (Plant)
- Racheal Lynn Jappert, Freshman, Pre-Sciences
- Mathew Thomas (Mathew) Summers, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences Mary Gates Scholar
- Suven Prakash Nair, Junior, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Frederick Dooley, Biology, Everett Community College
- Peter Ward, Biology
Poster Session 2
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Does Nicotine Patch Use Influence Seizure Number, Durations of Stay, or Rate of Seizure Acquisition During Elective Video EEG Telemetry?
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #63
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Mihir Sanjiv Parikh, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentor
- Michael Doherty, Neurology, Swedish Epilepsy Center
Poster Session 2
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Halogen Redox Chemistry at the Air-Sea Interface
Poster Session 2MGH 241
Easel #174
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jing Ma, Junior, Exchange - Engineering
- Mentor
- Michael Dodd, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 2
- Other Civil and Environmental Engineering mentored projects (19)
- Other students mentored by Michael Dodd (4)
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Regulation of Replication in Rhesus Rhadinovirus (RRV), a Herpesvirus of Macaques
Poster Session 2Commons East
Easel #53
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Melanie Jean (Melanie) Overman, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Laura DeMaster, Pathobiology, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Timothy Rose, Pediatrics
Poster Session 2
Oral Presentation 2
3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
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Strengthening the Capacity of the Seattle Vietnamese Community
Session 2A: Cultural Narratives 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenters
- Khiemton (Ton) Nguyen, Senior, Biology (Bothell Campus)
- Trang Ha Le, Senior, Biochemistry, Psychology
- Amy Quang Van, Senior, International Studies
- Chi Dinh (Chi) Hoang, Senior, Sociology
- Khoi Thien Nguyen, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Michelle Tran, Senior, Psychology
- Francis Tran
- Anh Doan
- Tony Thai Bao (Tony) Vo, Senior, Individualized Studies, American Ethnic Studies
- Vivian Dao, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Minh Phuc H Nguyen, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Mentors
- James Hong, , Vietnamese Friendship Association
- Dieu-Hien Hoang, Nursing (Tacoma Campus)
Session 2A: Cultural Narratives
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Polymorphisms in the Human CD1A Promoter are Associated with CD1A-Deficiency
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Meera Kerki (Meera) Shenoy, Junior, Microbiology
- Mentors
- Thomas Hawn, Medicine
- Chetan Seshadri, Medicine
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens
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Evolutionary Arms Race: A Possible Case for Convergent Evolution and Structural Mimicry at the Interface Between a Viral Factor and Host Factor
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Aaron Scott (Aaron) Zomback, Junior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Matthew Daugherty, , Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Harmit Malik, Genome Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens
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Immune/Lymphatic Interactions in the Lymph Node
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Neela Ramanujam, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Alanna Ruddell, Comparative Medicine
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens
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Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing of Pseudomonas Isolates from Cystic Fibrosis Airways Indicate a Lack of Correlation Between Experimental Resistance and Actual Resistance During Clinical Therapy
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Lisa Andersen, Senior, Microbiology
- Mentors
- Pradeep Singh, Microbiology
- Benjamin Staudinger, Medicine
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens
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New Roles for Women Emerging in Uttarakhand: Identifying Changes Brought by Business Processing Outsourcing Centers
Session 2C: Gender and Sexuality in the 21st Century Global World 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenters
- Heather Campbell, Senior, International Studies
- Ashley Bullock, Senior, International Studies
- Celina Kareiva, Senior, Communication (Journalism)
- Mentor
- Keith Goyden, Jackson School of International Studies
Session 2C: Gender and Sexuality in the 21st Century Global World
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Pollen Morphology of Rhododendrons (Ericaceae) and its Potential Taxonomic and Evolutionary Significance
Session 2D: Plastics to Plants to Teeth: Reading Earth's History 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Shaoqun (Simon) Zhou, Senior, Biology (Ecology, Evolution & Conservation) Howard Hughes Scholar
- Mentor
- Estella Leopold, Biology
Session 2D: Plastics to Plants to Teeth: Reading Earth's History
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The Tropical Diseases of Malaria, Parasites, and Head Fungus in Correlation with the Living Conditions of a Maasai Tribe near Moshi, Tanzania
Session 2E: Models, Maps and the Making of Global Health 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Christine Scullywest, Junior, Biology (General)
- Mentor
- Linda Martin-Morris, Biology
Session 2E: Models, Maps and the Making of Global Health
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Characterizing Freight Flows
Session 2F: Future Flows: Systems Improvement for a More Sustainable World 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Andrea Jeanne (Andrea) Gagliano, Senior, Business Administration (Finance), Mathematics
- Mentor
- Anne Goodchild, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Session 2F: Future Flows: Systems Improvement for a More Sustainable World
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Using a Waste Product to Improve Rain Garden Performance
Session 2F: Future Flows: Systems Improvement for a More Sustainable World 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Brian R. Hite, Senior, Environmental Science, UW Tacoma
- Mentors
- Joel Baker, Environmental Science, UW Tacoma
- Andrew James, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Tacoma Campus)
- Kurt Marx, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Tacoma Campus)
Session 2F: Future Flows: Systems Improvement for a More Sustainable World
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Wastewater Treatment Systems in the Puget Sound Area: An Analysis of Economic Fairness and Equity
Session 2F: Future Flows: Systems Improvement for a More Sustainable World 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Domenico (Nico) Martinucci, Senior, Sociology, Community, Environment, & Planning
- Mentors
- Christopher Campbell, Community & Environmental Planning
- Daniele Spirandelli, Urban Design & Planning
Session 2F: Future Flows: Systems Improvement for a More Sustainable World
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Wagnerism and Wagnerian Influences in Verdi's Otello
Session 2G: Radical Movements from Cicero to Banassi, Wagner to the Ghanaian Concert Party 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Joshua Dalton (Josh) Gailey, Senior, Applied Music (Orchestral Instruments), Italian
- Mentors
- Stephen Rumph,
- Mary Gates Endowment, Romance Languages & Literature
Session 2G: Radical Movements from Cicero to Banassi, Wagner to the Ghanaian Concert Party
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The Literature of Sexuality: Evolving British Attitudes through the Later 20th Century into Contemporary Times
Session 2G: Radical Movements from Cicero to Banassi, Wagner to the Ghanaian Concert Party 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Sher Min Faith (Sher-Min) Yang, Senior, Applied Music (Orchestral Instruments), English
- Mentor
- Sydney Kaplan, English
Session 2G: Radical Movements from Cicero to Banassi, Wagner to the Ghanaian Concert Party
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Second Language and Deception: When Multitasking Fails
Session 2H: Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Nicole Renee (Nicole) Nelson, Senior, Linguistics, Anthropology
- Mentors
- Laada Bilaniuk, Anthropology
- Justin Goodenkauf, Linguistics
Session 2H: Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience
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Energy Saving Butler
Session 2I: Data Analysis and Computation Improve Daily Life 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenters
- Justin Brown, Junior, Extended Pre-Engineering
- Austin Christopher Briggs, Junior, Pre Engineering
- Tariq Yusuf, Junior, Extended Pre-Major
- Antonius (Denny) Harijanto, Junior, Computer Engineering
- Jun Sang Yoo, Sophomore, Chemistry
- Robert Paul (Robert) Vienneau, Senior, Electrical Engineering
- Mentor
- Daniel Kirschen, Electrical Engineering
Session 2I: Data Analysis and Computation Improve Daily Life
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Computational Photography for Greater Accessibility
Session 2I: Data Analysis and Computation Improve Daily Life 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Josh Scotland, Senior, Computer Science, Business Administration Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar, Washington Research Foundation Fellow
- Mentor
- Richard Ladner, Computer Science & Engineering
Session 2I: Data Analysis and Computation Improve Daily Life
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A High Level Assessment of Risks Associated with Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Deployment at the University of Washington
Session 2I: Data Analysis and Computation Improve Daily Life 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- D.C. Grant, Senior, Information Technology (Tacoma)
- Mentor
- Marc Dupuis, Information Technology & Systems
Session 2I: Data Analysis and Computation Improve Daily Life
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Dual Emitting Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Majed Fataftah, Senior, Biochemistry, Chemistry
- Mentors
- Daniel Gamelin, Chemistry
- Emily McLaurin, Chemistry
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells
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Auger De-excitation in Mn Doped CdS Quantum Dots for Improved Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Emily Kristine (Emily) Chavez, Senior, Physics
- Mentors
- David Ginger, Chemistry
- Jennifer Chen, Chemistry
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells
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Understanding Photodegradation of a Model Plastic Solar Cell
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Eric Michael (Eric) Smith, Senior, Chemistry (ACS Certified)
- Mentors
- David Ginger, Chemistry
- Glennis Rayermann, Chemistry
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells
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Charge Tranfer in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Semiconductor Blends
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenters
- Eric Mc Neal (Eric) Janke, Senior, Chemistry
- Stephen Hsieh, Junior, Extended Pre-Major
- Mentors
- David Ginger, Chemistry
- Adam Colbert, Chemistry
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells
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Water Structuring at Interfaces: The Effects of Temperature Change on the Size of the Exclusion Zone
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Manal Jmaileh, Senior, Biochemistry, Biology (Physiology) Howard Hughes Scholar
- Mentor
- Gerald H. Pollack, Bioengineering
Session 2J: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Solar Cells
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Defining MtdA’s role in the H4MPT pathway of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Sandy Nguyen, Senior, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Mary Lidstrom, Chemical Engineering
- Norma Cecilia Martinez-Gomez, Chemical Engineering, Microbiology
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering
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Using Carbohydrate-Targeting Copolymers for Drug Targeting
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Danee Hidano, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Daniel Ratner, Bioengineering
- Eun-Ho Song, Bioengineering
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering
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Guest Host Interactions in Dyed Polymers Probed by Single Molecule Fluorescence
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Jan (Jan Rey) Pioquinto, Senior, Chemistry (ACS Certified)
- Mentors
- Philip Reid, Chemistry
- Erin Riley, Chemistry
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering
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An Accurate Computational Model for Plasmon Excitation in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Alex Vaschillo, Senior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- David Masiello, Chemistry
Session 2K: Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Engineering
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Digital Inclusion: An Action Plan for the City of Seattle
Session 2L: McNair Session - Access and Technology 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Bryan Dosono, Senior, Informatics McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Ricardo Gomez, The Information School
Session 2L: McNair Session - Access and Technology
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Factor Analysis of Martian Infrared Spectra: A Method for Analysis of Complex Datasets
Session 2M: Modern Quantitative Methods for Real World Problems 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Nancy Helen (Nancy) Thomas, Junior, Astronomy, Physics Mary Gates Scholar, NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentor
- Joshua Bandfield, Earth & Space Sciences
Session 2M: Modern Quantitative Methods for Real World Problems
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Lower Bounds on Free Branching Decision Diagram Size
Session 2M: Modern Quantitative Methods for Real World Problems 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Jerry Zheng (Jerry) Li, Senior, Mathematics (Comprehensive), Computer Science Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Dan Suciu, Computer Science & Engineering
Session 2M: Modern Quantitative Methods for Real World Problems
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Gender Rights and Unionization in the Maquiladora Sector
Session 2N: McNair Session - Promoting Health, Education and Empowerment in a Diverse and Changing World 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Anthony (Tony) Dias, Senior, Political Science McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Adrian Sinkler, Political Science
Session 2N: McNair Session - Promoting Health, Education and Empowerment in a Diverse and Changing World
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Ann Prepare Lavni: A Study of the Multilingual Learning System in Haiti
Session 2N: McNair Session - Promoting Health, Education and Empowerment in a Diverse and Changing World 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- L. Carolina (Carolina) Tavarez, Sophomore, Spanish with emphasis in Latin American & Hemispheric Studies and Education, University of California, Davis McNair Scholar
- Mentor
- Linda Egan, , University of California, Davis
Session 2N: McNair Session - Promoting Health, Education and Empowerment in a Diverse and Changing World
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Dietary Restriction and the Endocrine Regulation of Aging in C. elegans Nematodes
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Amina Ramadan, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental), Biochemistry Howard Hughes Scholar
- Mentors
- Weiqing Li, Biological Structure
- Victor Pineda, Biological Structure
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration
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Characterization of Changes in Bergmann Glia Function in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Mathini Sivakami Mohanachandran, Senior, Biochemistry Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Gwenn Garden, Neurology
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration
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Hypoxia & Aging: Effects of Low Oxygen on Lifespan
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Marissa Ann (Marissa) Fletcher, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
- Scott Leiser, Pathology
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration
- Other Pathology mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Matt Kaeberlein (13)
- Other students mentored by Scott Leiser (2)
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Why Worms Explode: The Mystery behind Vulval Integrity Defects
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Melissa Jane (Melissa) Primitivo, Senior, Biochemistry, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Scott Leiser, Pathology
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
Session 2O: Aging and Neurodegeneration
- Other Pathology mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Scott Leiser (2)
- Other students mentored by Matt Kaeberlein (13)
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Effects of Ocean pH on Early Larval Survivorship and Behavioral Development of Lingcod (Ophiodon elongates)
Session 2Q: Organisms in the Ocean 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenters
- Erin Nicole (Erin) Tomaras, Senior, Environmental Studies
- Alyson Elisabeth Edholm Rae, Senior, Business Administration (Finance), Environmental Studies
- Mentors
- Jonathan Reum, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
- P. Sean McDonald, Program on the Environment
- Terrie Klinger, Marine Affairs
Session 2Q: Organisms in the Ocean
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Distribution of the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus in Puget Sound and Identification of Isolated Strains
Session 2Q: Organisms in the Ocean 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Jennefer Annet Lopez, Sophomore, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Mentors
- Gabrielle Rocap, Oceanography
- Jaclyn Saunders, Oceanography
Session 2Q: Organisms in the Ocean
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Sustainable Socio-Economic Development: Indigenous Peoples in the Russian Arctic
Session 2R: Policy and Governance for Sustainability: Examples from the U.S., Indonesia, and the Russian Arctic 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Jeunghwa (Victoria) Choe, Senior, Environmental Studies, International Studies
- Mentors
- Nadine C Fabbi, Jackson School of International Studies
- P. Sean McDonald, Program on the Environment
Session 2R: Policy and Governance for Sustainability: Examples from the U.S., Indonesia, and the Russian Arctic
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Myofilament Lattice Spacing Increases as Muscles Shorten
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Mary Kathleen (Mary) Salcedo, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental), Applied & Computational Mathematical Sciences (Biological & Life Sciences)
- Mentors
- Tom Daniel, Biology
- C David Williams, Physiology & Biophysics
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems
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Genetic Variation among Iterations and Species of Algae
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Hannah Roberts, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Mentors
- Rose Ann Cattolico, Biology
- Chloe Deodato, Biology
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems
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Mutational Changes in an RLINE Retrotransposon Accompanying Evolution
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Shambhavi Gautam, Senior, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Benjamin Hall, Biology
- Dale Lindsley, Biology
- Michelle Stitzer, Biology
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems
- Other Biology mentored projects (62)
- Other students mentored by Benjamin Hall (1)
- Other students mentored by Michelle Stitzer (1)
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Importance of Visually Mediated Abdominal Motion for Flight Stability in Manduca sexta
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- David Julio Colmenares, Senior, Computer Engineering, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Tom Daniel, Biology
- Jonathan Dyhr, Biology
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems
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Behavioral Enrichment Animal Research: A Collection of Animal Welfare Studies at the Woodland Park Zoo
Session 2T: Stress Responses In Vivo and In Vitro 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Nathan Ashwin Ma, Senior, Art (Photography), Psychology
- Mentor
- Eduardo Fernandez, Psychology
Session 2T: Stress Responses In Vivo and In Vitro
Poster Presentation 3
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
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Characterizing Metabolic Respiration in Response to Inducible Fission and Fusion Proteins
Poster Session 3Balcony
Easel #120
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Camille Caroline (Camille) Guzzi, Senior, Biology (Physiology) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Richard Morrison, Neurological Surgery
- Takuma Uo, Neurological Surgery
Poster Session 3
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Discovering Fossil Turtles: Bringing Geoscience to the Classroom
Poster Session 3Commons West
Easel #17
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Fawn Martinsen, Senior, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Environmental Studies), UW Tacoma
- Mentor
- Sian Davies-Vollum, Environmental Science
Poster Session 3
- Other Environmental Science mentored projects (12)
- Other students mentored by Sian Davies-Vollum (2)
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Innate Immunity in the Presence of Symbiotic Relationships in the Earthworm
Poster Session 3Commons East
Easel #73
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Mary Wang, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Seana Davidson, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 3
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Searching for Stellar Flares with Kepler Data
Poster Session 3Commons East
Easel #64
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Tiffany Lin, Freshman, Pre Engineering
- Mentors
- Suzanne Hawley, Astronomy
- James Davenport, Astronomy
Poster Session 3
- Other Astronomy mentored projects (16)
- Other students mentored by Suzanne Hawley (1)
- Other students mentored by James Davenport (1)
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Role of Urmylation during Cell Division in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #157
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Kevin Carlton (Kevin) Ball, Senior, Biochemistry, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Emily Mazanka, Biochemistry
- Trisha Davis, Biochemistry
Poster Session 3
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Movement Triggered Brain Stimulation for Stroke Recovery
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #156
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Olivia Robinson, Senior, Neurobiology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Eberhard Fetz, Physiology & Biophysics
- Andrew Richardson, Physiology & Biophysics
Poster Session 3
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The Spindle Assembly Checkpoint and Spindle Pole Body Remodeling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #169
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Jean Belista, Senior, Biochemistry
- Mentors
- Trisha Davis, Biochemistry
- Kimberly Fong, Biochemistry
Poster Session 3
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Size-Exclusion Chromatography for the Effective Separation of Polydisperse, Self-Assembled Nanoparticle Clusters
Poster Session 3Commons East
Easel #47
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Justin Hansen, Senior, Chemical Engineering
- Mentors
- Lilo Pozzo, Chemical Engineering
- Pablo de la Iglesia, Chemical Engineering
Poster Session 3
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Method for Determining Replicative Lifespan in Yeast
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #175
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenters
- Dillon Gregory (Dillon) Pruett, Junior, Speech and Hearing Sci (Com Disorders), Biology (General)
- Prarthana Pradeep, Senior, Neurobiology
- Alexandra Marie (Alex) Schuster, Freshman, Pre-Sciences
- Mentors
- Matt Kaeberlein, Pathology
- Joe Delaney, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Pathology
Poster Session 3
- Other Pathology mentored projects (22)
- Other students mentored by Matt Kaeberlein (13)
- Other students mentored by Joe Delaney (2)
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Analysis of the Role of Mast Cells and Basophils in Sepsis
Poster Session 3Balcony
Easel #107
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Anthony Sumin Kim, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Adrian Piliponsky, Pediatrics, Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Asha Lahiri, Immunology, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Poster Session 3
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Protein Dashboard For Molecular Dynamic Simulation Data
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #171
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Robert Wei (Robert) Su, Senior, Bioengineering Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Valerie Daggett, Bioengineering
Poster Session 3
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Errors in Dry Periods from Satellite Precipitation Data for Regions of Africa
Poster Session 3Commons East
Easel #49
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Zhuohong (Klein) Shen, Senior, Computer Science, Civil Engineering
- Mentors
- Michele Minihane, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Huilin Gao, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Dennis Lettenmaier, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 3
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Submarine Landforms In A Surge-Type Tidewater Glacier Regime, Engelskbukta, Svalbard
Poster Session 3Commons West
Easel #5
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- George Edward Roth, Senior, Oceanography Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Miles Logsdon, Oceanography
Poster Session 3
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Land-Ocean Connections: Determining Channel Complexity across the Coastal Zone
Poster Session 3Commons West
Easel #6
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Elizabeth Frances (Liz) Weidner, Senior, Oceanography
- Mentor
- Miles Logsdon, Oceanography
Poster Session 3
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Maintaining and Switching Auditory Attention
Poster Session 3Balcony
Easel #86
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ka Young Lee, Senior, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Speech & Hearing Sciences
- Mentors
- Adrian KC Lee, Speech & Hearing Sciences
- Eric Larson, Speech & Hearing Sciences, Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences
Poster Session 3
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Using Plasmids as a Model for Gene Amplification in Yeast Competition Assays
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #139
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Michael Joseph (Mike) Bocek, Senior, Biochemistry Amgen Scholar
- Mentor
- Maitreya Dunham, Genome Sciences
Poster Session 3
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Effect of OPRM1 and COMT Gene Polymorphisms on the Analgesic Effect of Intrathecal Fentanyl during Labor Analgesia
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #163
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Rebecca De Frates, Sophomore, Pre-Sciences
- Mentor
- Ruth Landau, Anesthesiology
Poster Session 3
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Extracting Data from Polar Bears Remotely Tracked by Satellite
Poster Session 3Commons West
Easel #25
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Hannah Marie (Hannah) Director, Junior, Mathematics, Statistics
- Mentors
- Kristin Laidre, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- June Morita, Statistics
Poster Session 3
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Incentives for Wind Energy: A Case Study
Poster Session 3Commons East
Easel #78
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Sarah Szewczyk, Fifth Year, Electrical Engineering
- Mentors
- Richard Christie, Electrical Engineering
- Karen Studarus, Electrical Engineering
Poster Session 3
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Characterization of Replicate Evolutions of S. cerevisiae under Constant Sulfur-Limitation
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #140
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenters
- Mei Huang, Junior, Extended Pre-Major
- Anne Elisabeth (Annie) Young, Junior, Biology (Physiology) Mary Gates Scholar
- Bryony Lynch, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Maitreya Dunham, Genome Sciences
- Aaron Miller, Genome Sciences
Poster Session 3
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GABA Receptor Subtypes and Spontaneous Activity in the Developing Mouse Cortex
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #152
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Zeke Katsh (Zeke) Barger, Senior, Neurobiology, Psychology Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- William Moody, Biology
Poster Session 3
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Influences of Salinity on Lipid Distributions of Mangroves Used in Paleoclimate Reconstructions
Poster Session 3Commons West
Easel #7
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Tory Johnson, Senior, Environmental Studies
- Mentors
- Nemiah Ladd, Oceanography
- Julian Sachs, Oceanography
Poster Session 3
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Identification and Classification of Malaria Mosquito Species on Tinjil Island, Indonesia
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #133
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Anna L. Schier, Non-Matriculated,
- Mentor
- Randall Kyes, Global Health, Psychology
Poster Session 3
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Investigation of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) for Discriminating Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions
Poster Session 3MGH 241
Easel #165
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Peixian Liu, Senior, Bioengineering
- Mentor
- Savannah Partridge, Radiology
Poster Session 3
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Characterizing the Motions of Macromolecules in E. Coli
Poster Session 3Commons East
Easel #54
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- Harry Chul Ho (Harry) Kim, Senior, Mathematics, Physics Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Paul Wiggins, Physics
- Nathan Kuwada, Physics
Poster Session 3