The vestibular system is composed of the semicircular canal system, which detects rotational movements, and the otolith organ system, which senses linear accelerations and tilt with respect to gravity. The two systems can interact in a complex way during movement. The vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) stabilizes a retinal image during head movement by commanding the eyes to move in a direction opposite to that of the head movement. Under some conditions, both the otolith organs and the semicircular canals contribute to the VOR. Unilateral or bilateral loss of vestibular function often results in vertigo and oscillopsia, which are debilitating and could be life-threatening because they result in falls or injury. In principle, a vestibular prosthesis could treat a functional loss of inner ear vestibular function by sending electrical stimulation into the three semicircular canals via electrodes to help maintain balance and stable vision. However, if the otolith organs are still functional, the signals from the prosthesis might be interpreted incorrectly in different head orientations, limiting the efficacy of the treatment. The interaction between the output from the otolith organs and artificial electrical stimulations from the implant is not known. In this experiment, we oriented a head-fixed rhesus monkey in different static positions along either of the roll and pitch axes prior to electrically inducing a VOR using the implanted vestibular prosthesis. Results showed that stimulation in the posterior canal induced a higher eye velocity in backward-tilted position than in the upright position, while stimulation in the anterior canal induced a slower eye velocity in the forward position than in the upright position. This project demonstrates that the performance of the implant changes under different body orientations. The prosthesis provides a unique experimental tool allowing us to disambiguate canal and otolith inputs in the intact organism.