Stroke is the degeneration of brain tissue caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain. It is one of the leading causes of adult disability and death worldwide. We used ultrasound elastography, a technique that measures local tissue deformation from ultrasound-induced shear wave propagation, to measure shear modulus, the ratio of shear stress to the shear strain, of brain tissue after ischemic infarction, loss of brain function due to low brain blood supply, to determine changes in individual hemisphere due to that injury. We imaged live mice that were 3 hours (hyperacute), 24 hours (acute) and 72 hours (subacute) after surgical occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, and measured the shear modulus of ipsilateral and contralateral brain hemispheres compared to corresponding values of control mice. The mice with hyperacute stroke showed statistically significant increase in shear modulus in both hemispheres compared with control animals. The mice with acute stroke showed a significantly decreased shear modulus in ipsilateral hemisphere and a significantly increased shear modulus in contralateral hemispheres compared to control mice. The mice with subacute stroke showed no significant difference in shear modulus compared to control mice. Significant differences were shown between ipsilateral and contralateral shear modulus values measured 24 hours and 72 hours after infarction. We hypothesize that the shear modulus differences among hyperacute, acute, and subacute stroke mice reflect the initial development of edema and reduction of cerebral blood flow in the ipsilateral hemisphere, and the initial reduction of blood flow then later development of edema in the contralateral hemisphere. Thus, ultrasound elastography may be a sensitive method to detect subtle changes in brain elasticity post stroke. Future work will include an attempt to remove the imaging artifact through the design of a new elastic imaging machine. This research will be a key step toward exploring the ultrasound parameters for imaging stroke, which will ultimately contribute to the development of a better imaging tool for potential stroke patients.