Found 10 projects
Oral Presentation 1
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
- Presenter
- Ronnie Thibault, Junior, Interdisciplinary Studies (SEB) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Benjamin Gardner, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus)
Session 1D: An Examination of the Effectiveness of Programs Aimed at Improving Social Outcomes
- Presenter
- Zach Jennings, Senior, Physics, Astronomy Mary Gates Scholar, Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Awardee
- Mentors
- Julianne Dalcanton, Astronomy
- Benjamin Williams, Astronomy
Session 1Q: Adventures in Astronomy
Poster Presentation 2
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
- Presenter
- Erich Christopher (Erich) Freywald, Senior, Society, Ethics, & Human Behavior (Bthl)
- Mentor
- Benjamin Gardner, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (Bothell Campus)
Poster Session 2
- Presenter
- Francesca Theresa (Francesca) Liburdy, Sophomore, Pre Engineering NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentor
- Mark Benjamin, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 2
Oral Presentation 2
3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
- Presenter
- Lisa Andersen, Senior, Microbiology
- Mentors
- Pradeep Singh, Microbiology
- Benjamin Staudinger, Medicine
Session 2B: Host and Pathogens
- Presenter
- Shambhavi Gautam, Senior, Biology (General)
- Mentors
- Benjamin Hall, Biology
- Dale Lindsley, Biology
- Michelle Stitzer, Biology
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems
- Other Biology mentored projects (62)
- Other students mentored by Benjamin Hall (1)
- Other students mentored by Michelle Stitzer (1)
- Presenter
- Sarah Peterson (Sarah) Hammarlund, Senior, Swedish, Biology (General) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentor
- Benjamin Kerr, Biology
Session 2S: Complexity and Evolution of Biological Systems
Poster Presentation 3
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Presenter
- David Dong Uk (David) Shin, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental)
- Mentors
- Benjamin Hall, Biology
- Michelle Stitzer, Biology
Poster Session 3
- Other Biology mentored projects (62)
- Other students mentored by Benjamin Hall (1)
- Other students mentored by Michelle Stitzer (1)
- Presenter
- Brittany Noelle Harding, Senior, Biology (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental) Mary Gates Scholar
- Mentors
- Benjamin Kerr, Biology
- Joshua Nahum, Biology
Poster Session 3
- Presenter
- Kathleen Moore, Junior, Computer Engineering NASA Space Grant Scholar
- Mentors
- Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Bernard Hallet, Earth & Space Sciences
- Jian Shi, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Poster Session 3