The Svoboda Diaries project seeks to translate and digitize a nineteeth century travel diary written in Arabic by a nineteen-year-old European named Alexander Svoboda. The Newbook project is the second phase of the Svoboda Diaries Project. The first phase of this project focused on the development, transcription, and translation of the travel journal. Alexander Svoboda kept a thorough record of his journey including a trip with his family across the desert to Damascus, from there by train and boat to Cairo, then finally to Brindisi and Paris. Phase one of the project resulted in an XML mark-up text in both Arabic and English automatically rendered in HTML for web display together with notes and supporting materials such as maps, PDF's, rare books, and a Wikipedia associated with the site, referred to as a Svobodapedia, which organizes our rare materials into a easily accessible database. Presently our group is collecting and organizing images and genealogical material, to identify family members within the diary and lead to a better understanding of the Svoboda family and others who traveled with Alexander. Many factors have been undertaken on our road to publication, including correcting and regularizing the XML tagging and formatting to result in an errorless XML mark-up language. Finally, collaborating on a Newbook website, where text, supporting material, and a print-on-demand version of the text will be available to the public. The Newbook project is a collaborative effort, including research faculty, PhD students, and undergraduate researchers, the result of this this union has led to a more comprehensive approach to creating a visually interactive publication.