Concerted proton-electron transfer (CPET) is the movement of both an electron and a proton in one kinetic step of a chemical reaction. This mechanism can explain the observed lower reaction barriers than would be expected by a consecutive step-by-step mechanism. The study of such reactions can help with the elucidation of the electronics involved in processes such as capture of energy in solar cells. The octahedral ruthenium complex [RuII(en*)2(bpy)](PF6)2 (en* = 1,1,2,2-tetramethylethylenediamine , bpy = 2,2’-bipyridine) is studied with various quinone compounds. The proposed reaction is the two-electron oxidation of ruthenium with loss of two protons from neighboring en* nitrogen atoms with production of hydroquinone, or catechol, and the corresponding deprotonated Ru(IV) complex. The oxidation of ruthenium is due to two nitrogen atoms now requiring an electron from the metal center while previously having a dative Ru-N interaction. Ortho-quinones are of special interest due to the possibility of a 2 e-, 2 H+ coupled reaction. The described reaction is observed under some circumstances as is the coordination of the quinone to the ruthenium along with loss of an en* ligand, forming a Ru(III) radical species that can be observed by EPR spectroscopy. Reactions were followed in nonprotic solvents such as THF and acetone to prevent solvent interference and products were confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy and EI mass spectrometry. Steric and electronic effects were explored with various substituted quinones along with light and thermal effects on the reactions. CPET mechanisms for some of the attempted reactions are supported by UV/visible spectroscopy kinetics data.