The degree to which planet’s atmospheric composition is in chemical disequilibrium could be used as a diagnostic for life on exoplanets. For example, gases such as O2 and CH4 should react and take lower energy forms of CO2 and H2O at equilibrium, so their mutual presence in an atmosphere indicates an active supplier of gases and energy that maintains disequilibrium. We seek to distinguish quantitatively between atmospheric disequilibrium caused by volcanic activity, solar radiation, and tidal forces versus disequilibrium from biogenic gases. On Earth, gas release and uptake by the biosphere modulates the levels of all the bulk gases in the air, with the exception of argon. In contrast, a dead planet is expected to have a composition closer to inorganic equilibrium. We calculate the available free energy of various atmospheric compositions by minimizing the Gibbs free energy of these systems. We then compare these available energies to create a metric for the possibility of life. The energy minimization process is carried out computationally, using a planet’s atmospheric composition as input and providing an equilibrium composition as output. We use the Gibbs free energies of formation of the compounds at the desired temperature, which are calculated using a database of thermodynamic polynomials. Based on simplified calculations of planetary atmospheres, we expect to see that the Earth’s atmosphere possesses chemical potential energy some 10^2 to 10^7 greater than in other known planetary atmospheres. Solar system planetary atmospheres and a range of possible concentrations applicable to hypothetical exoplanets will be explored, attempting to discern the validity of the metric while gaining a better understanding of what makes an atmosphere more indicative of biology. The developed metric will give researchers a new method of identifying planets with potential for life when they are discovered.