2011 Accountability Report Download in Excel

This report reflects late additions, corrections and final processing and, therefore, may not match previously reported final numbers.  Totals at the bottom of this report do not include duplicate and/or non-eligible students and activity.

Quarters: SUM2010, AUT2010, WIN2011, SPR2011

Activity Types:
  • Public Service (Generated on Monday, August 06, 2012 at 10:23)
  • Undergraduate Research (Generated on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 04:54)
  • Internship (Generated on Friday, June 14, 2013 at 11:39)
College Department Public Service Undergraduate Research Internship
Number of students Number of student-quarters Number of hours Number of students Number of student-quarters Number of hours Number of students Number of student-quarters Number of hours
Arts & Sciences American Ethnic Studies 73 82 3,570
Anthropology 148 192 3,840 125 185 18,330
Applied Mathematics 5 5 500
Astronomy 37 76 2,550 47 178 9,850
Atmospheric Sciences 13 30 2,360
Biology 126 126 15,580 218 415 39,750
Chemistry 7 7 140 81 155 17,390
Cinema And Media Studies 6 9 930 20 31 4,230
Classics 19 27 1,890
Communication 226 253 26,170 182 242 22,500
Comparative History of Ideas 5 5 100
Dance 22 39 1,810
Drama 47 53 4,380
Earth And Space Sciences 589 612 84,750
Economics 16 47 900 68 101 9,370
English 343 384 10,810 87 133 14,245
Gender, Women, And Sexuality Studies 106 114 2,280
General Studies 344 419 38,730 153 156 5,550
Geography 118 179 15,850 190 241 34,770
Germanics 2 2 210 3 4 390
History 24 24 1,070 233 282 39,660
Honors A&S 17 17 1,900 23 23 2,400
Jackson School International Studies 31 33 970 188 225 29,220
Law, Societies, And Justice 102 115 14,390 44 56 6,150
Liberal Arts 44 183 9,009
Linguistics 18 29 1,960
Mathematics 36 44 960 32 53 2,450
Microbiology 51 79 7,500
Neurobiology 29 64 6,570
Philosophy 15 15 1,020 33 33 3,236
Political Science 140 151 11,210 533 745 108,780
Psychology 214 266 15,290 513 916 65,130
Romance Languages And Literature 45 66 1,320 6 6 810
Slavic Languages & Literatures 1 1 100
Sociology 757 982 38,620 103 139 18,000
Speech & Hearing Sciences 20 20 1,160 54 98 5,610
Statistics 4 4 240 12 13 925
SubTotal: 2,963 3,633 209,910 3,785 5,551 579,475 0 0 0
Built Environments Construction Management 9 9 96 14 14 540
Landscape Architecture 34 67 13,500 5 6 330
Urban Design And Planning 96 119 13,170 10 12 1,110
SubTotal: 139 195 26,766 29 32 1,980 0 0 0
Business School Accounting 79 79 9,480 41 45 3,510
Business Administration 81 81 9,720 33 37 2,910
SubTotal: 160 160 19,200 74 82 6,420 0 0 0
Dentistry Oral Biology 8 15 1,260
SubTotal: 0 0 0 8 15 1,260 0 0 0
Education College of Education 1,105 1,912 85,790 38 70 3,600
SubTotal: 1,105 1,912 85,790 38 70 3,600 0 0 0
Engineering Aeronautics & Astronautics 30 43 3,330
Chemical Engineering 52 117 10,230
Civil And Environmental Engineering 17 51 2,210 42 75 7,430
Computer Science & Engineering 6 7 200 147 302 39,634
Electrical Engineering 139 219 19,770
Human Centered Design And Engineering 46 132 8,760
Industrial And Systems Engineering 43 78 7,260
Materials Science & Engineering 92 132 7,140
Mechanical Engineering 125 213 14,460
SubTotal: 23 58 2,410 716 1,311 118,014 0 0 0
Environment Atmospheric Sciences 11 16 1,230
College of The Environment Spcl Programs 1 1 30
Earth And Space Sciences 606 636 87,180
Program On The Environment 83 107 12,040 5 5 390
School of Aquatic And Fishery Sciences 1 1 150 104 176 20,160
School of Environmental & Forest Science 36 36 720
School of Marine & Environmental Affairs 17 18 1,410
School of Oceanography 52 64 6,360
SubTotal: 120 144 12,910 796 916 116,760 0 0 0
Information School The Information School 74 74 17,760
SubTotal: 0 0 0 74 74 17,760 0 0 0
Interdisc Graduate Progr Neurobiology 29 65 6,660
Nutritional Science 21 21 420
Urban Design And Planning Group 58 75 11,250 10 12 1,110
SubTotal: 79 96 11,670 39 77 7,770 0 0 0
Interdisc Undergrad Prog Comparative History of Ideas 4 4 910 101 119 15,210
Program On The Environment 61 74 10,440 2 2 150
SubTotal: 65 78 11,350 103 121 15,360 0 0 0
Interschool or Col Bioengineering 33 47 845 124 220 18,637
SubTotal: 33 47 845 124 220 18,637 0 0 0
Medicine Bioethics And Humanities 4 4 240
Biomedical Informatics & Medical Educ 1 1 120
Comparative Medicine 4 6 510
Genome Sciences 22 43 4,320
Immunology 4 9 1,408
Laboratory Medicine 9 9 3,600
Microbiology (Medicine) 57 112 10,860
Obstetrics And Gynecology 4 16 1,840
Pathology 64 124 12,360
Pediatrics 5 14 1,400
Pharmacology 15 50 4,890
Physiology & Biophysics 14 49 5,470
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences 498 869 61,710
SubTotal: 0 0 0 701 1,306 108,728 0 0 0
Nursing Nursing 138 192 20,320 11 21 1,750
SubTotal: 138 192 20,320 11 21 1,750 0 0 0
Ocean & Fishery Sci Aquatic And Fishery Sciences 43 57 6,750
Oceanography 75 139 18,920
SubTotal: 0 0 0 118 196 25,670 0 0 0
Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry 3 7 840
Pharmaceutics 4 16 1,086
SubTotal: 0 0 0 7 23 1,926 0 0 0
Public Health Environmental & Occupational Health Sci 3 3 210 15 28 2,880
Health Systems And Population Health 62 62 7,240 47 63 4,200
Pathobiology 16 39 7,500
SubTotal: 65 65 7,450 78 130 14,580 0 0 0
Social Work School of Social Work 47 92 1,840 3 5 420
Social Welfare 88 204 19,140 7 11 890
SubTotal: 135 296 20,980 10 16 1,310 0 0 0
UW Bothell Computing & Software Systems (Bothell Campus) 63 84 29,950
Education (Bothell Campus) 11 12 240
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sci Bothell 234 267 5,340 45 59 7,170
School of Nursing & Health Studies (Uwb) 151 151 22,520 189 190 28,380
Science And Technology (Bothell) 22 23 460
SubTotal: 418 453 28,560 297 333 65,500 0 0 0
UW Tacoma Interdisciplinary Arts & Sci Tacoma 226 280 43,620 166 256 32,250
Nursing & Healthcare Leadership (Tacoma) 92 171 23,150 95 95 8,550
School of Education Uwt 22 22 1,980
School of Engineering & Technology Uwt 38 40 5,820 11 11 1,440
SubTotal: 378 513 74,570 272 362 42,240 0 0 0
Other Applied Physics Laboratory 26 95 6,715
Burke Museum 20 47 674 18 62 1,815
Carlson Center 2,638 3,794 112,250
Comparative Literature 5 7 660 18 23 3,150
Dream Project 515 654 39,240
Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Office 7 20 508
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences 3 3 210 23 49 6,160
French and Italian Studies 4 4 600 4 4 510
Honors 26 26 2,380 23 23 1,780
Jumpstart 130 515 33,070
Mary Gates Endowment for Students 36 57 5,710 259 499 67,810
Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity 45 139 20,750
Pharmacy 1 1 40
Pipeline Project 950 1,132 32,120
School of Marine and Environmental Affairs 18 19 1,560
TRAC 12 43 3,690
Undergraduate Research Program 14 28 560 936 1,284 148,873
SubTotal: 4,348 6,287 227,982 1,383 2,241 262,853 0 0 0
Public Service Undergraduate Research Internship
Number of students Number of student-quarters Number of hours Number of students Number of student-quarters Number of hours Number of students Number of student-quarters Number of hours
TOTALS: 5,436 7,824 537,849 5,830 9,192 1,046,891 0 0 0